Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

Finally got around to testing this - updated everything via apt-get this evening - and I see the all white capture problem I think.

It is strange though and unpredictable. It was all white to start with - over saturated - at any of the possible binning values, but when I started taking darks I was able to get it to take seemingly normal saturations.

But this could also be something about the camera where the first captures are completely oversaturated until some other thing happens to correct the oversaturated issue - what that could be. I was seeing this before the update, but never when running PHD2 directly on the device.

The binning is all selected able except for the 3x3 option. 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 work.