So I finally got brave enough last night after testing several rounds of alignment and park/power off/power on/select object on the mount manually to try it with the Indi driver.

I've used the mount enough now to know what to expect, but what I got from the Indi driver were several problems.

The first test I did was park,p/off, p/on, select object (it take a GPS fix the first time), and then slew to object manually. I then connected Indi via RS-232 cable and USB converter which has worked well with the Meade AutoStar software.

Once I could see the LX200 target icon on the KStars map I slewed to an object and that worked great.

But then things got interesting and trying to park, p/off and p/on the scope via the Indi dialogs.

- It fails to get a GPS automatically like it does after slewing to an object the first time after park, p/off, p/on. This leads to wildly incorrect slews.
- The focuser doesn't appear to work from the software
- It issues the get GPS command manually but fails to get a fix
- It got stuck in a park state where it wouldn't accept slew commands, even after power cycling the mount. I forget the precise sequence, but due to the stuck park state and the GPS fix not working I lost my alignment when I selected an "unpark" option in the software and the hand controller rebooted. I only selected unpark because the software seemed to be stuck in the park state and showing errors to that effect. I quit trying Indi at this point with the mount and went back to Meade software :-(


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

I have this same setup. AVX + SSAG + DSLR + RPI3. I'm using a Nikon D5100 :-/ I have had my share of troubles, but mostly it's working, thought weather is really hampering my efforts. The biggest problem is I fight with my mount alignment, but I think I'm just trying to skip to far ahead versus my skill level. It should all be doable in theory right?

My SSAG also works in PHD2. You can run PHD2 as a server and connect to the PHD2 server via Ekos. That at least gets you AG status in Ekos and it will work as an integrated solution as intended. PHD2 can be run directly on the RPI with a remote window over X11 forwarding.

I haven't been successful with the autoguiding yet in Ekos, but the SSAG does connect and it does take exposures. The first time I tried it could not calibrate, but I think some settings were off, since it was calibrating in PHD2.

For me PHD2 is the gold standard. If it works there it should work everywhere else, but there may be some difference between your model SSAG and mine (I bought mine used). I'll post the stats I have on mine to this thread next time I'm sitting in front of the setup.


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

Finally got around to testing this - updated everything via apt-get this evening - and I see the all white capture problem I think.

It is strange though and unpredictable. It was all white to start with - over saturated - at any of the possible binning values, but when I started taking darks I was able to get it to take seemingly normal saturations.

But this could also be something about the camera where the first captures are completely oversaturated until some other thing happens to correct the oversaturated issue - what that could be. I was seeing this before the update, but never when running PHD2 directly on the device.

The binning is all selected able except for the 3x3 option. 1x1, 2x2 or 4x4 work.


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

u2pilotjt wrote:

Copy that, it's in the Options menu inside the Guider Module.

Jasem VNC'd into my Pi this morning and gave me a walk through; there were a couple settings I wasn't using properly in PHD. In the end, he said there was something he needed to look at with PHD that was an issue as well, but I don't know. He also mentioned he'll try to get around to making a Youtube or document walk through for setting up PHD properly. It was a short session but VERY helpful- "Thank you, Jasem!".

Good news is that it's not a connection problem with my equipment; everything appears to be working. It all boils down to me pushing the right buttons :)

What were the settings you weren't using properly and PHD2 and how do you use them properly? Thanks!


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

myxlflik wrote:

I actually am at work right now so I can't actually set up the gear to do anything. I am pretty sure my issue is just a setting error based on the fact that I have had control of the guider but either changed something or something went south. I think knro's last response may have been the key I needed. I am pretty sure I set PHD2 to use the native QHY5 driver instead of INDI camera. I bet it was conflicting with the INDI conenction in Ekos to the guide camera. Hopefully tonight all will be nirvana. :) I will post a follow up and let you know my findings. Thanks again for all of the help. If this fails tonight, I will set teamviewer and get one of you guys to look over my settings.

Active Indi driver conflicting with PHD2 grabbing control of the USB device is an exact issue I ran into last night I think. Just make sure only one system is using the guider I think, although not sure what *should* work with respect to multiple programs using the same device.

Actually, knro, I'm having trouble getting capture from PHD2 connected via the Indi devices in Ekos after the latest updates. It seems to grab a single frame then stops, but no errors. Ekos by itself and PHD2 by itself is fine. Just FYI if this rings a bell, I can run with PHD2 locally for now.


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

myxlflik wrote:

lin_guider apparently requires the firmware that Dan recommended to work. I am not sure how to resolve that conflict yet. I don't want to lose QHY support in the INDI/Ekos stack but I want my guiding to work. Jon, You mentioned that you use PHD2 to guide. I think that's where I will end up in the short run until I can figure out a way to resolve the QHY dependency on lin_guider. Would you mind walking me through your setup for you have PHD2 configured? I started down this path and actually almost had it working but I took a left somewhere when I should have taken a right I think and it all went sideways.

I can show you what I'm doing, when are you available? Teamviewer is the best way though, it's an easy install.


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

Make sure the server is running inside PHD2. There is an option in one of the drop down menus.


Jon Belanger replied to the topic 'Orion Starshoot Autoguider' in the forum. 8 years ago

Just want to note my experiences with the SSAG autoguider and Indi. I use PHD2 to guide, but it was working in the Ekos guider. The problem I had with the Ekos guider was that it would refuse to calibrate, but I think it has something to do with the focal length of my guide scope being too small for the 8" SCT. I'm still working this out, but it otherwise solid. Strangely I did have problems in a imaging session last night with PHD2 in Lonux losing connectivity to the camera via Indi. It was the first time for me running the camera in below freezing temps, but I think it may have some something to do with sharing the USB hub on the RPI3. Actually about to to run some tests right now.


No problem providing teamviewer access. I'm on the US East coast, but usually up late, midnight or 1 AM my time would be great.

I'm using Nikon, not Canon, but it's definitely reproducible. I didn't have the automount problem I don't think since I'm not booting into the UI on the RPI3.

I wonder if it's just a simple permission path problem, but my settings looks correct. The indiserver is running as root via sudo on the RPI3 if that makes a difference.

I also tested FITS/NATIVE, RAW/COMPRESSED, Internal Memory/SDRAM Card combinations, but then run into other weird problems that get me into other "stateful" situations where the conditions of the test change, so it's difficult to know what affects what.

Let me know a good time and we'll connect.


I have latest Ubuntu Mate on RPI3, hopefully can get to recompiling tonight.


I'll recompile, thanks for the help.


Yes, definitely. Here's another one where I wait a while then eventually quit

INFO 1544.027271 sec : Session log file /tmp/indi_gphoto_ccd_2016-10-24T22:18:17.log
DEBUG 1589.402676 sec : Starting exposure (exptime: 1 secs, mirror lock: 0)
DEBUG 1589.403126 sec : Mutex locked
DEBUG 1589.403360 sec : Setting radio/menu widget iso: 15 (3200)
DEBUG 1589.406631 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 1589.406863 sec : Setting radio/menu widget capturetarget: 0 (Internal RAM)
DEBUG 1589.410574 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 1589.410820 sec : Using camera predefined exposure ranges.
DEBUG 1589.411097 sec : Finding optimal exposure setting for 1 seconds...
DEBUG 1589.411327 sec : Best match: 1 seconds Index: 36
DEBUG 1589.411634 sec : Setting radio/menu widget shutterspeed2: 36 (1)
DEBUG 1589.524899 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 1589.525317 sec : Using predefined exposure time: 1 seconds
DEBUG 1589.525566 sec : Exposure started
INFO 1589.525830 sec : Starting 1 sec exposure
DEBUG 1590.527239 sec : Reading exposure
DEBUG 1594.104212 sec : Exposure complete
DEBUG 1594.104338 sec : gp_file_new_from_fd result: 0
DEBUG 1594.104371 sec : Downloading //capt0000.nef
DEBUG 1594.158188 sec : Downloading result: 0
DEBUG 1594.158526 sec : Downloaded 4928x3264 (preview 160x120)
DEBUG 1594.158697 sec : Deleting.
DEBUG 1594.162980 sec : Retval: 0
DEBUG 1594.163271 sec : Setting radio/menu widget iso: 15 (3200)
DEBUG 1594.165114 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 1594.165247 sec : Setting radio/menu widget shutterspeed2: 51 (30)
DEBUG 1594.203970 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
INFO 1594.204214 sec : Exposure done, downloading image...
DEBUG 1594.204345 sec : dcraw -i -t 0 -v /tmp/indi_WZyxAc 2> /dev/null
DEBUG 1594.215603 sec :

DEBUG 1594.216006 sec : Filename: /tmp/indi_WZyxAc

DEBUG 1594.216140 sec : Timestamp: Mon Oct 24 18:44:37 2016

DEBUG 1594.216305 sec : Camera: Nikon D5100

DEBUG 1594.216420 sec : ISO speed: 3200

DEBUG 1594.216530 sec : Shutter: 1.0 sec

DEBUG 1594.216647 sec : Aperture: f/0.0

DEBUG 1594.216754 sec : Focal length: 0.0 mm

DEBUG 1594.216863 sec : Embedded ICC profile: no

DEBUG 1594.216971 sec : Number of raw images: 1

DEBUG 1594.217080 sec : Thumb size: 4928 x 3264

DEBUG 1594.217189 sec : Full size: 4992 x 3280

DEBUG 1594.217297 sec : Image size: 4948 x 3280

DEBUG 1594.217405 sec : Output size: 4948 x 3280

DEBUG 1594.217515 sec : Raw colors: 3

DEBUG 1594.217622 sec : Filter pattern: RGGBRGGBRGGBRGGB

DEBUG 1594.218101 sec : Daylight multipliers: 2.098821 0.925441 1.126505

DEBUG 1594.218219 sec : Camera multipliers: 519.000000 256.000000 356.000000 256.000000

DEBUG 1594.218963 sec : Reading exposure 4948 x 3280
DEBUG 1594.219108 sec : dcraw -c -t 0 -4 -D /tmp/indi_WZyxAc
DEBUG 1598.125262 sec : read_dcraw: memsize (32458880) naxis (2) w (4948) h (3280) bpp (16)
INFO 1931.174544 sec : GPhoto CCD is offline.


I can capture exposures to the local (RPI3) store just fine, I can do multiple exposures with varying shutterspeeds and it all works great without delay. However, when I try to set it to "Client" instead of "Local" it gets stuck on the dreaded "Downloading" status in Ekos and then I get nothing. To recover I typically have to turn off everything and restart the inidserver.

It does seem to create the /tmp file referenced in the debug log on the local side (in /tmp on the RPI3), but nothing appears to happen on the client side (Ekos VM in VirtualBox). Not sure how to go about troubleshooting it.

INFO 33.918567 sec : Session log file /home/jon/.indi/logs/2016-10-25/indi_gphoto_ccd/indi_gphoto_ccd_05:04:32.log
DEBUG 103.428520 sec : Starting exposure (exptime: 1 secs, mirror lock: 0)
DEBUG 103.428682 sec : Mutex locked
DEBUG 103.428760 sec : Setting radio/menu widget iso: 15 (3200)
DEBUG 103.431713 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 103.431779 sec : Setting radio/menu widget capturetarget: 0 (Internal RAM)
DEBUG 103.434582 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 103.434640 sec : Using camera predefined exposure ranges.
DEBUG 103.434701 sec : Finding optimal exposure setting for 1 seconds...
DEBUG 103.434762 sec : Best match: 1 seconds Index: 36
DEBUG 103.434820 sec : Setting radio/menu widget shutterspeed2: 36 (1)
DEBUG 103.559174 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 103.559625 sec : Using predefined exposure time: 1 seconds
DEBUG 103.559882 sec : Exposure started
INFO 103.560105 sec : Starting 1 sec exposure
DEBUG 104.561223 sec : Reading exposure
DEBUG 108.558009 sec : Exposure complete
DEBUG 108.558176 sec : gp_file_new_from_fd result: 0
DEBUG 108.563346 sec : Downloading //capt0000.nef
DEBUG 108.616172 sec : Downloading result: 0
DEBUG 108.616290 sec : Downloaded 4928x3264 (preview 160x120)
DEBUG 108.616321 sec : Deleting.
DEBUG 108.620242 sec : Retval: 0
DEBUG 108.620372 sec : Setting radio/menu widget iso: 15 (3200)
DEBUG 108.621905 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
DEBUG 108.621944 sec : Setting radio/menu widget shutterspeed2: 51 (30)
DEBUG 108.636740 sec : Setting new configuration OK.
INFO 108.636819 sec : Exposure done, downloading image...
DEBUG 108.636869 sec : dcraw -i -t 0 -v /tmp/indi_GrkpzA 2> /dev/null
DEBUG 108.643489 sec :

DEBUG 108.643604 sec : Filename: /tmp/indi_GrkpzA

DEBUG 108.643639 sec : Timestamp: Tue Oct 25 01:06:07 2016

DEBUG 108.643745 sec : Camera: Nikon D5100

DEBUG 108.643781 sec : ISO speed: 3200

DEBUG 108.643811 sec : Shutter: 1.0 sec

DEBUG 108.643853 sec : Aperture: f/0.0

DEBUG 108.643884 sec : Focal length: 0.0 mm

DEBUG 108.643915 sec : Embedded ICC profile: no

DEBUG 108.643944 sec : Number of raw images: 1

DEBUG 108.643973 sec : Thumb size: 4928 x 3264

DEBUG 108.644004 sec : Full size: 4992 x 3280

DEBUG 108.644033 sec : Image size: 4948 x 3280

DEBUG 108.644062 sec : Output size: 4948 x 3280

DEBUG 108.644092 sec : Raw colors: 3

DEBUG 108.644122 sec : Filter pattern: RGGBRGGBRGGBRGGB

DEBUG 108.644153 sec : Daylight multipliers: 2.098821 0.925441 1.126505

DEBUG 108.644184 sec : Camera multipliers: 519.000000 256.000000 356.000000 256.000000

DEBUG 108.645101 sec : Reading exposure 4948 x 3280
DEBUG 108.645215 sec : dcraw -c -t 0 -4 -D /tmp/indi_GrkpzA
DEBUG 112.433073 sec : read_dcraw: memsize (32458880) naxis (2) w (4948) h (3280) bpp (16)


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    27. 10. 1978
  • About me
    Amateur Astronomer