Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Taking time off' in the forum. 6 years ago

Jasem, bad to loose anyone, but both at once, my thoughts are with you and yours.



Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Re:Loosing the plot' in the forum. 6 years ago

I have researched more and this issue is widespread, and each seems to get specific solutions so I have re-grouped and looked at this issue from a different angle.
There are several EQDir adapter solutions and not all use a prolific chip, which is at the root of this issue. I am very tempted to invest in a new EQDir with the better, and identifiable, FDTI chipset. I have not seen any posts about this adapter type, but as it is broadly USB-RS232 it should perform with Indi in exactly the same way. The costs are worth it if it eliminates this constant 'tinkering' during each setup, and the loss of Dark Sky's while doing so.

I will post results if this sorts the problem. Comments or views on this very welcome. :-)


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Re:Loosing the plot' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks Rob but I am at a dead end here. Everything I read about Indi makes it a solution for remote astronomy, but this issue does not seem to have a solution. If I watch the Stellarmate tutorials all refer to an INDI Web Manager that resolves this issue, but the 'standard Indi Web Manager', although reporting that its Stellarmate in the title bar does not have this option. I appreciate that Stellarmate is a product that can be purchased, but if it is using only standard 'opensource' Indi code, why the cost?
I was going to purchase the Stellarmate OS as a download but I fail to see what I get, other than a modified Web Manager, and my experience to date has not supported paying for a product that I cannot get to work in a stable manner. it's like having a car that you need to pump up the tyres before you can set off.


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Re:Loosing the plot' in the forum. 6 years ago

Rob, I've been doing the same and it would appear that using the same Hub, which I want to do for these devices and have them attached to the Pi on the tripod, then one USB cable to a Hub on the scope. This gives me the least number of 'moving' cables.
So, if I always plug the devices in the same USB port on the Pi can I assume they will always be /ttyUSB0 and /tty/USB1, and then do I use the serial script or not and remove the udev.rules files for these devices. Sorry my Linux system skills are blunt. :-)


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Re:Loosing the plot' in the forum. 6 years ago

Yes, Rob, that doe seem to be the outcome of using the script on AstroPi3. I have attached the two resulting rules files below.

The 'eqdir' product is the HitechAstro EQDir unit, and the 'gstar' is a G-STAR USB GPS device, both have the Prolific Serial controller.


Clive Davies created a new topic ' Loosing the plot' in the forum. 6 years ago

Setting up AstroPi3 and using the serial port mapper, not working. Using my limited Linux skills and 4 hours of searching this forum (Docs) it would seem that multiple usb devices need to be persistently mapped.
Tried now all day and eventually find both USB devises (EQDir and Gstar GPS) report the same serial. The mapping script works for each individually but both rules files are the same except for the names.


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Park issues with EQMOD' in the forum. 6 years ago

Many thanks, just a bit of a panic as I couldn't figure out how to 'reset' the position. Note to self, must read the documentation again. :-)


Clive Davies created a new topic ' Park issues with EQMOD' in the forum. 6 years ago

I am using a HitecAstro EQdir usb to EQ5 Synscan mount. I have setup AstroPi3 (Thanks Rob) and am gradualy testing all devices individually on Indi to avoid conficts. I have had success in connecting and manually controlling the mount but if I select Park the motors just run and the mount doesn't come to a stop.

I have looked at Indi control panel but am not sure what I should be looking for. The mount details report as EQ5 with firmware 0204. Is this the correct version and how would I update it.

Help appreciated.


Clive Davies created a new topic ' VNC Resolution with AstroPi3' in the forum. 6 years ago


I have used rlancaste great AstroPi3 script to set a new RPi and its working fine using local HDMI, but using it headless with VNC Viewer I cannot seem to set the display resolution so I can see the whole screen. I am using Windows 10 with a screen resolution of 1366x768 which is I understand limiting, but I would like to set the Pi display setting so I can ore. Using EKOS / INDI is near impossible over VNC as I cannot see the buttons for the windows.

Any assistance great appreciated.


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Upgrade INDI Web Manager Now' in the forum. 6 years ago

Many thanks for your help, always welcomed, but seems to have got more complex. See file.


Clive Davies replied to the topic 'Upgrade INDI Web Manager Now' in the forum. 6 years ago

Received this, next steps?

horus@Lenovo-Yoga-2-11 ~ $ sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade indiweb
Collecting indiweb
Downloading (359kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 368kB 446kB/s
Complete output from command python egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'setuptools'

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-k2hv1nj6/indiweb/
You are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 18.0 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.
horus@Lenovo-Yoga-2-11 ~ $


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 05. 1957
  • About me
    Nearly retired, canal based astronomy addict.