Darren Poulson replied to the topic 'Focus driver via PPBA' in the forum. 4 years ago


I've not had the time to dive into it all unfortunately. I'm not exactly the worlds best coder so its a fairly big job and I'm not really that sure where to start, which was the reason for my original question which never got answered. 

It does look from the instructions that its just a case of sending commands over the same serial port as you do for the main power commands, but how that would be structured in the code I don't currently know.



Darren Poulson created a new topic ' Focus driver via PPBA' in the forum. 4 years ago


I've got a Pegasus Power Box Advance, and also purchased the External Motor Controller and motor to control the focus. This isn't currently supported by the PPBA driver, so I thought I'd try and contribute back and extend the current driver. After chatting with Pegasus Astro, they have kindly updated their documentation to include the serial commands for the XMC device (if connected)


I'm just reading through some of the dev documents, but my question is on the best way to structure this.

As it communicates over the same serial to USB interface as the PPBA, I'm assuming it has to be part of the same driver as only one device can connect to the serial port at once. I would just need to add the INDI::Focuser class to it and insert the controls and any other code needed?




Darren Poulson created a new topic ' PPBA Focus controller' in the forum. 4 years ago


I've just got the external motor controller and motor kit from pegasus astro to plug into my existing PPBA. However, I can't see an option for it under focusers.

The more I'm looking into it, it seems that it isn't supported at all by Indilib? Is that correct? Is anyone working on a driver for it?





Trying to get focus, but if I hit the stream button there is quite a bad lag (5-10 seconds) between what I do and what appear on screen. Obviously this makes it extremely hard to focus. :P Is this standard? The stream box says its getting approximately 11 fps, but I'm seeing more like one frame every two seconds.

This is from a ZWO ASI120, connected via USB3 to a Pi4, then over wifi to my laptop running kstars.




Darren Poulson replied to the topic 'gphoto errors' in the forum. 6 years ago


Is the the latest libgphoto, or indi-gphoto? Guessing the latter, which I think means it won't be in the compiled raspberry pi deb packages.


Darren Poulson replied to the topic 'gphoto errors' in the forum. 6 years ago

Alacant, did you ever get to the bottom of this and solve it? I'm having exactly the same issue, with the same camera.

Constant errors of "[ERROR] Exposure failed to save image... Unspecified error" and having to make a second attempt. It does sometimes work (about 50% of the time).

I found this in github for a Sony camera:


So will try turning LENR off tonight. Also, I see there is a delay option to put between taking frames so I may see if that has any benefit.


Cool, thanks.

Yeah, figured I could just use long cables, but I like things to be neat and tied out of the way. :)

Hopefully getting the mechanical parts for my mount and astroeq, and just about to dust off the old 3d printer to make some parts to modify my finder scope into a picam/guider.

All just in time for bad viewing over summer! :P



I'm just starting my deploy of indi on a raspberry pi for my set up, but I'm starting to think that putting two of them in place would be better, as to reduce cabling and potential tangles of wires as the scope moves. My current idea is:

Pi 1 on scope, with gphoto, V4L2 (Pi cam), and focuser (DIY, when I get the chance)
Pi 2 on mount with an astroeq/eqmod device

My question is, which is best to act as primary? If Pi 2 is the primary, does all network traffic (ie, all those photos) go through from Pi1->Pi2->Ekos? But if I make Pi 1 primary, is there an issue with latency for commands to the astroeq?

I'd be running both of them from their own power source, and possibly wifi connections to remove even more cabling. If I do it this way, only the Dec motor cable runs the risk of any tangles. And everything should be nice and neat.

Or am I over thinking this? Would there ever be a risk of getting cables tangled and its easier to run them all from one Pi?


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