This is a bug, though. You shouldn't have to reset toolbar customizations to get the new UI. I'm not sure how or where to start looking to fix it.


I was today years old when I learned that KStars allows you to customize the toolbars. This may have something to do with the issue on hand. Are the people who have issues with the "Views" option showing up people who have customized their toolbars before the 3.7.0 drop?


Okay, some really bizarre ideas:

1. The new KStars is picking up the wrong .xml file for the UI from some other folder

2. There is some user-customizability in the menus (I see none of your menus match!), that causes a modified .xml file to be stored somewhere in the user's setting list. This is not overwritten / the new menu items are not added to this when a new version of KStars drops. (Possible, although I don't know of any menu customization in KStars; that being said even some of us developers hardly know 20% of the features)

3. It has something to do with the theme: dark mode vs. light mode. (Very unlikely)


The exact same .dmg has worked for other people. This may be some deep MacOS issue that I don't have insight into. Does the same thing happen if you move the to the Applications folder and run, instead of out of the .dmg? At least in the build process, the menus are stored in a separate .xml file. I wonder if that .xml file got substituted for an older one.


So several people seem to have this issue and I'm not sure what's causing it. There was also a post on the Facebook group saying that the installer doesn't work on MacOS < 12.0 -- that's a KDE craft buildsystem issue where the pre-compiled libraries assume MacOS >= 12.0

I'd cut a custom .dmg for you but my Mac Mini is having problems booting. Once I get that fixed (may take a while), I should be able to build a custom dmg. Until then I have a DMG that I made for beta-testing the views feature from a little before the 3.7.0 cut, so it would be missing some of the features that were merged into 3.7.0 but it does have Views:
SHAsum: `b5d3dae0a71d5cad9579987abb1f7431b87d3545`


Akarsh created a new topic ' PyINDI client fails to build' in the forum. 5 months ago

Has anyone managed to build `pyindi-client` recently against the stable 2.0.0 release? I'm getting a bunch of errors that I don't have enough context to understand / debug:

$ python install
/usr/local/include/libindi/basedevice.h:105: Warning 508: Declaration of 'registerProperty' shadows declaration accessible via operator->(),
/usr/local/include/libindi/basedevice.h:105: Warning 508: previous declaration of 'registerProperty'.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertyview.h:177: Error: 'PropertyBasicText_getPermissionAsString' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h:71: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicText_getPermissionAsString'
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertyview.h:185: Error: 'PropertyBasicText_getTimeout' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h:73: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicText_getTimeout'
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertyview.h:204: Error: 'PropertyBasicText_count' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h:105: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicText_count'
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertyview.h:207: Error: 'PropertyBasicText_findWidgetByName' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h:139: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicText_findWidgetByName'
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertyview.h:324: Error: 'PropertyBasicText_at' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
/usr/local/include/libindi/indipropertybasic.h:116: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicText_at'
indiclientpython.i:70: Error: 'PropertyBasicBlob___getitem__' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
indiclientpython.i:108: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicBlob___getitem__'
indiclientpython.i:74: Error: 'PropertyBasicBlob___len__' is multiply defined in the generated target language module.
indiclientpython.i:112: Error: Previous declaration of 'PropertyBasicBlob___len__'
error: command '/usr/bin/swig' failed with exit code


Interesting. I have no idea what might be causing this.

If you are building from source, have you run `make install`? Generally speaking, KDE uses an .xml file to define the menu items, and you need to run the full build process to install this properly.

In my attempt to build it on MacOS, it worked fine. Perhaps someone who is more familiar with MacOS build toolchain knows what the issue is, maybe Robert Lancaster?


The menu entry is called "Views" and not "Custom Views" although we've referred to the feature as "Custom Views". Please check if there is a menu item titled
"Views" in the "View" menu, screenshot from my Linux machine attached. I've tested the build on MacOS and at least on my custom builds, it showed up fine.

Clear Skies,


I too would like to be able to re-order the overlay images. Let me see if I can work on an MR at some point. Found out from ChatGPT that it's fairly easy to set drag drop up in `QListView`, might be similar in `QTableView` or whatever the feature uses.


Akarsh replied to the topic 'KStars Question - Flags' in the forum. 2 years ago

Thanks for your workaround. I recently fixed up all the precession issues in the Ctrl + M manual set position. It doesn't do nutation correctly if I remember right, so there may still be some small amount of error which should be totally negligible for most amateur use-cases. If you find any precession issues here, please let me know.

I'm not sure where you reported the Flag bug, could you point me to it please? I'll put it on the ever-expanding list of issues on the repo.


Akarsh shared a photo. 2 years ago

Akarsh replied to the topic 'observation planner wizard question' in the forum. 2 years ago

I believe the wizard is broken, it's not your misinterpretation. See
We recently upgraded our DSO storage and retrieval code to work well with the space-partitioning data structure we use. This enables us to do a lot of other cool things (like enable a database of 1 million galaxies), but I suspect it has broken many things; I imagine this is one of the things that's not working because of this change. Please add your feedback to the issue linked above so we can make sure to take it into account when we fix it.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    03. 05. 1924
  • About me
    Long-time developer of KStars with a focus on the star map, features for visual observation, and positional astronomy algorithms.