One additional question: I checked autofocus every 30 min for an 8x repeated RGB session, but the autofocus routine never executed. Is the every X minute applied within a sequence, or within the entire schedule? It seems to me it's w/in the sequence since my 1x RGB session is less than the 30 minutes.

Another comment is whether focuser temperature can be included to have that change as a trigger for autofocus running?



Thanks for the quick reply! I'll look forward to the imaging duration bug fix.



Gabe Shaughnessy created a new topic ' Ekos custom driver option' in the forum. 6 years ago

Is there a way to add a custom driver in Ekos? I see the option in the web manager for Indi on my raspberry pi, but it's not propagating to Ekos. I'm trying to connect a vantage weather station console that's attached on a different raspberry pi that's running indiserver, and I'm getting a connection from the scope raspberry pi, but it's not getting forwarded to my desktop computer running Ekos.

Thanks for the help!


Would it be possible to add a function in Ekos which cycles through the filters? Let's use an RGB example. Say I have an RGB sequence w/ 8 subs per filter. Instead of imaging 8R, 8G, 8B, I would like to have a function where you take RGBRGBRGB..., so RGB is the sequence which gets executed 8 times. There's a similar functionality in SGP, which I'm coming from, and it was very helpful for planning a session that might be interrupted by clouds - you'd have a roughly equal number of RGB frames as your progress evolves.

Now, I could just do separate 1 off RGB entries in the Sequence Queue, but that would quickly become unwieldy and cumbersome, especially for long sequences

Also, I could do just a 1x RGB sequence, and have the scheduler repeat is 8 times, but the Est. Duration doesn't get reflected in the Scheduler for some reason.



Gabe Shaughnessy created a new topic ' Twilight altitude setting' in the forum. 6 years ago

I'm wondering if there can't be a user defined setting where if the sun is below a threshold altitude, the time is considered past twilight. I know this is an odd request, but standard astronomical dusk requires the sun to be below 18 degrees from below the horizon. Some locations for imaging have skies brighter than true dark sites, so the sky gets as dark as it can well before the sun gets to -18 degrees. This is also the case w/ the moon up.

Also, you can cheat a bit and image in narrowband filters before the sun gets to -18 degrees. This adds up and allows for a bit more imaging time.



Gabe Shaughnessy replied to the topic 'QSI error on Stellarmate' in the forum. 6 years ago

I switched to the nightly build and removed/installed the qsi driver and found the error is gone and the QSI runs fine. The new version of the qsi driver I'm using is 0.8~201805061330~ubuntu16.04.1. However, I'm not totally comfortable sitting on the nightly build for my imaging rig. Is it possible to push the changes to the stable build?



Gabe Shaughnessy created a new topic ' QSI error on Stellarmate' in the forum. 6 years ago

I'm using a stellarmate OS on a raspberry pi 3B+, and am getting the following error when connecting to my QSI. The QSI driver I'm using is 0.8~201802271130~ubuntu16.04.1, but that appears to be an older build.

2018-05-07T14:23:40: startup: indiserver indi_qsi_ccd
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3019 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #1
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3020 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #2
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3021 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #3
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3022 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #4
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3023 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #5
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3024 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #6
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3025 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #7
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3026 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #8
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3027 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #9
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3028 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: restart #10
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: indi_qsi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_qsi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDevice8SetTimerEi
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: stderr EOF
Child process 3029 died
2018-05-07T14:23:40: Driver indi_qsi_ccd: Terminated after #10 restarts.
2018-05-07T14:23:40: good bye


Gabe Shaughnessy replied to the topic 'MacOS Stars 2.9.5 crash' in the forum. 6 years ago

I think it was all three considering I had tried the previous in combinations. I first removed the extra plists from those locations and installed homebrew's dbus, but that didn't work. After I unloaded the plist, it was good to go. Since I removed the extra plists, I didn't check dbus + unloading kstars' plist.



Gabe Shaughnessy replied to the topic 'MacOS Stars 2.9.5 crash' in the forum. 6 years ago

That did it! Funny, I thought I'd done that earlier in my testing, but I think I forgot to unload the plist. In either case, it's working now. Thanks so much!!



Gabe Shaughnessy replied to the topic 'MacOS Stars 2.9.5 crash' in the forum. 6 years ago

Yes, I've tried this after finding the same page. It doesn't appear to work. I did have those plist files elsewhere, and removed them. Their removal after unloading and reloading the plist (and after reboot) didn't appear to to work.

I've tried w/ another account, and no change.


Gabe Shaughnessy replied to the topic 'MacOS Stars 2.9.5 crash' in the forum. 6 years ago

Still having this issue. When running w/ sudo, it runs fine and loads the dbus library. The line about the dynamic session failing might be a clue? I've loaded the plist with

launchctl load -w /Applications/

Here's the output
Starting DBus
dyld: loaded: /Applications/
dbus[45765]: Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!


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