Sean Houghton replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I got it working after restarting kstars. It looks like a restart is required for a change to the internal/external indi setting to take effect.


Sean Houghton replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I can't get the internal indi server to work. When I check the box in the setting to enable it I am unable to choose any drivers.


Sean Houghton replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

Nice work! My tiny contribution is a patch to homebrew-cask so you can easily install it with

brew cask install kstars

Semi-related, I've also added the sbig drivers so you can install them with
brew cask install sbig-universal-driver


I'm still working through the best way to deal with keeping versions up to date. Currently I'm using dockerhub to automatically build the x86 containers. The "latest" tag is built with the "master" branch of the dockerfiles which use version=* while the 1.3.1 tag is built with the 1.3.1 branch which has version=1.3.1. dockerhub will rebuild the images anytime a change is committed to the inid-docker repo

Unfortunately dockerhub doesn't yet have automated builds for RPI images so I have to build/push them manually. I'm investigating CI server options for automating it.

I'll take a look at containers for kstars, but it might be more confusing for users due to file system isolation.


Hi Gerard,

I would suggest switching to the explicit port mappings with -p 7624:7624 instead of using the host network. Whitelisting ports reduces the "surface area" of your container and has some other benefits if you put more things into containers. Also, if you run each driver in its own container (something I'm prototyping now) you'll get port conflicts on the host network.

I'll take another stab at the readme. The first pass is kind of an information dump rather than a flowing doc.


I've just finished building a working set of docker containers for indiserver. This includes both x86 and Raspbian images. I've tested it on both platforms without any problems.

For those of you who haven't used Docker before, it's a really nice way to encapsulate and deploy a service along with all of its dependencies. For example, to run the indiserver with all the simulators with a stock RPI you just need to run the following command (no downloading or installing needed other than installing docker-engine)

docker run --rm -ti seanhoughton/indiserver:1.3.1

When the process is stopped (with ctrl-c in this case) the container is removed and your system is left in the same state as before you started it. No bit-rot, no dependency hell, etc. The image is cached locally so future runs start almost instantly. If you want to try a different version just change the version tag of the image and start it.

If you find this useful let me know. If you've got any improvements please let me know.


Sean Houghton replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

I'm finally back in action on macos and I've got the official mainline kstars building - but the resources aren't copied into the data folder as part of the build so they don't get copied to the Application Support folder on application start. Is this expected to run without a packaging or install build?

Also, are you guys keeping a forked git repo or branch with all of the OSX work you've done? It's getting difficult to keep track of the progress in this gigantic thread :)


Sean Houghton replied to the topic 'Ekos on Mac OS X ?' in the forum. 8 years ago

Really great progress with all of the OSX support. My laptop died last month and by the time UPS drops of my shiny new MBP (which can actually build Qt in less than a century) I won't have anything left to help with!

In the meantime I've added an OSX TravisCI configuration so any changes to the indi codebase are now verified to compile on OSX.

I spent some time trying to get a TravisCI configuration working for kstars, but the homebrew install of Qt causes timeouts, even when I use the "travis_wait" workaround. Another option would be to bundle up pre-compiled Qt binaries with dbus support and download them instead of using homebrew. Unfortunately, homebrew's dependency system makes this difficult. You can see my attempts here


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