Hi Rob
I had a similar problem to change language: when I inserted the Italian it gave me a dbus error (if I remember correctly) ...
I reinstalled dbus and it worked ...
I tell you because I tried to enter users and groups and I have no mistake. I suspect the dbus may be the manager since it was the only thing I did with your script ....
I hope you help solve


Ciao Rob
Ho avuto un problema simile per cambiare lingua: quando inserivo l'italiano mi dava un errore di dbus (se mi ricordo bene)...
Ho reinstallato dbus e ha funzionato...
Te lo dico perchè ho provato ad entrare negli utenti e gruppi e non ho nessun errore. Sospetto che il dbus possa essere il responsabile dato che è stata l'unica cosa che ho fatto insieme al tuo script....
Spero ti aiuti a risolvere




I installed the ayufan 5.15 mate xenial and vnc4server ... I managed to make it work with the monitor connected ... but clearly without the desktop and so nothing vnc ...
Sifting through the system folders I found the hdmi-toggle file under / usr / local / bin which seems to check the physical state of the monitor connections ...
I do not have the ability to understand if it can serve us or not ...
Perhaps at the end of the check you can tell, if there is no physical connection, to load "xorg video dummy", so if there is an attached monitor, use the monitor, otherwise use "xorg video dummy"
If you want to take a look ...



I installed kubuntu 17.04 and can use the Italian language ... I could not find out why with the 17.10 and the neon distro could not ...
Anyway now it seems to go as before (I'll see on the field ..)

The only thing is, when I try to download extra data, the "shrple HII region" and "Hickson compact groups" catalogs tell me immediately "I can not install - File not found ...
Even the package "NGC Images displayed in the detail windows" by the same error but not immediately, does so after a couple of minutes ...
I wonder if it is not normal or if the above files are not currently available ...
I wanted to know if I can download extra data (all but USNO) and install them offline ... (site where download and destination folder on Linux)

Thank you



Hi Jasem
The language-pack-kde-it package is already installed to the latest version
The strange thing is that I had installed two versions of Neon and, besides the language, did not allow me to install Kstars' additional packages (catalogs)
With Kubuntu 17.10 packages are installed but still no language .... maybe problems with the plasma version (too recent?).
Now I try on 17.04 on another disk (with a live version I could temporarily install Kstars and try it out?
Thank you



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