Hi Mario,
the sync-uri for the repository has been changed - this was posted on 05.11.2018, see above:I have fixed gitweb, which was not working momentarily.

I was not aware, that my overlay was listed on overlays.gentoo.org. I have never made attempt for it to be included on the list.

To conlude this, I think you will make better job in maintaining ebuild for indi momentarily. I will occasionaly try to provide PRs if needed. Please send @knro updated instructions on how to get the software on Gentoo.



Hi, i have updated the overaly about three weeks ago already. Just didnt post here, like i did in the past. However during June And July my home server hosting the ebuild repo was offline for several days because of the tornado aftermath. Is it not reachable for you?

With that said, I would be happy if another overlay maintainer could take over the job and improve what has been done so far. I dont have much time to work on it and provide updates on time.


I have finally found some time to update overlay to current version, which is of course 1.8.3.

All the new drivers have been pushed into the overlay's tree.

Before update, use

emerge --clean sci-libs/asi-common sci-libs/indilib-driver-altaircam net-wireless/lime-suite sci-libs/indilib-driver-toupcam
to prevent file collisions during emerge of some drivers.

Then use emerge with
--update --deep --with-bdeps=y
to make sure that all necessary deps are being pulled in.

I haven't tested yet, if the git versions of packages emerge without problem, so problems may arise. Feel free to let me know.


I've just pushed updated ebuilds for v1.7.5 including all the new drivers.


Please mind that URL for git fetching has been changed. Replace /etc/layman/overlays/brancik-overlay.xml with this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "/dtd/repositories.dtd">
<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
        <description>Ctibor Brancik's overlay</description>
        <owner type="project">
                <name>Ctibor Brančík</name>
        <source type="git">https://git.brancik.cz/brancik-overlay.git</source>

Then readd overlay like this:
layman -d brancik-overlay
layman -S
layman -a brancik-overlay


Update to v1.7.0 has been pushed!


Just pushed changes to overlay. Please test, if live ebuilds work for you.


I have updated overlay to v1.6.2, including new drivers. I have also included driver for astroberry-amh from rkaczorek as i plan to use it on my setup.

It seems that PR that will fix live ebuilds is on its track to be merged.


Fix for the indilib is now in repo. As for the libsbig I have proposed this PR to master: github.com/indilib/indi/pull/487 , which should remove the need for the patch (for other drivers too). It is otherwise not very pleasant to maintain patches applied to the live tree. So please wait few days until my PR is resolved (I hope it will be accepted).


Well up to date information is maintained here: dev.brancik.cz/git/brancik-overlay/tree/...ADME.indilib-drivers
I will try to update ebuilds to the latest version ASAP.


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