Update: I did some more testing and found more strange issues.

Clearing the model seems to help a lot. The attitude is showing properly and doesn't change abruptly. However, the pointing seems to be reversed. If I point to a target in the east, it goes west. If I point to a target in the west, it goes east.

Part of the problem seems to be that it is not reporting what side of the pier the mount is on properly. Can anyone help me understand how the mount normally figures this out, and if there is a way to tell it what side it is on?

I don't think I'm doing anything crazy here. I put the telescope in the home position, turn it on, clear the model, and plate solve. However from there it can't seem to figure out what side of the pier its on and doesn't move to the right target.

Any help would be appreciated, even just resources on how some of the systems work. I'm not even sure what to test at this point.