Update: I did some more testing and found more strange issues.

Clearing the model seems to help a lot. The attitude is showing properly and doesn't change abruptly. However, the pointing seems to be reversed. If I point to a target in the east, it goes west. If I point to a target in the west, it goes east.

Part of the problem seems to be that it is not reporting what side of the pier the mount is on properly. Can anyone help me understand how the mount normally figures this out, and if there is a way to tell it what side it is on?

I don't think I'm doing anything crazy here. I put the telescope in the home position, turn it on, clear the model, and plate solve. However from there it can't seem to figure out what side of the pier its on and doesn't move to the right target.

Any help would be appreciated, even just resources on how some of the systems work. I'm not even sure what to test at this point.


They seem to agree on time/location. The values it provides for RA, DEC, ALT and AZ all seem correct after a solve too, the alt and az just seem to snap to different values as soon as I try and move it


Hi guys,

Having a weird ekos issue with how it displays altitude and azimuth. When I start a new imaging session I'll turn on the mount and perform a plate solve in ekos which will produce a valid position. From there if I try to goto a location (even a location very close to the original solve) my attitude and azimuth reading will change suddenly, often with attitude going negative. Despite this, the mount does move to the correct location and the RA and DEC readings are still correct. clicking the "clear model" button does seem to fix this temporarily, but seems to come back after moving it again. Performing another plate solve seems to also fix it until I move the mount again. Has anyone else had a similar issue? Is there something I'm not understanding about how alignment works in ekos?


That did the trick, thanks!

What are Chained INDI servers?


Sorry if it wasn't clear, the example output I wrote was from triggering just one of the servers that controls my mount and camera for the telescope. I can run one of two servers fine, but running the second one shows binding errors regardless of port


I have a setup with a single linux computer where I try to run two indi servers at once, one for the telescope and one for indi-allsky. When running both, I get the following output regardless of what port I try to use

observatory@observatorymaster:~$ indiserver -v -p 1234 indi_eqmod_telescope -p 7626 indi_canon_ccd
2024-04-06T23:40:51: startup: indiserver -v -p 1234 indi_eqmod_telescope -p 7626 indi_canon_ccd
2024-04-06T23:40:51: Driver indi_eqmod_telescope: pid=6710 rfd=6 wfd=6 efd=7
2024-04-06T23:40:51: Driver -p: pid=6711 rfd=8 wfd=8 efd=9
2024-04-06T23:40:51: Driver 7626: pid=6712 rfd=10 wfd=10 efd=11
2024-04-06T23:40:51: Driver indi_canon_ccd: pid=6713 rfd=12 wfd=12 efd=13
2024-04-06T23:40:51: listening to port 1234 on fd 5
2024-04-06T23:40:51: Local server: bind: Address already in use
2024-04-06T23:40:51: good bye

I'm running
INDI Library: 2.0.7
Code 2.0.7-tgz. Protocol 1.7.

any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    07. 09. 1998
  • About me
    Amateur astronomer