Charles Martindell created a new topic ' Plate Solving' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hello. I like Kstars and EKOS very much and would like to make use of it for my imaging but so far I have been almost completely unable to get Plate solving to work. I did a fresh install after purging all previous data and when selecting Capture and Slew, there was one successful plate solution but after the mount slewed and attempted the 2nd iteration to center the selected object, there were no further solutions. I tried using the simulator which made no difference. I experimented with various changes to the Options settings and still no joy. I'm attaching where I ended up with the options tabs and also the log that included both align and focus info. My equipment is a Losmandy G11 mount, a 10" f3.9 Newtonian, a Canon DSLR as my imaging camera, and a ZWOasi174 and an OAG for my guiding set up. When using NINA on a Windows 10 pc, Plate solving works well. But I prefer to use my ubuntu system and INDI and am hoping there is something obvious to someone that I could do to get Plate solving to work. Thank you to whoever takes the time to consider my situation here.
Charles Martindell