Thanks very much. That helps a lot. Thanks again also for your help earlier in getting me going with plate solving. Seems quite reliable at this point. My FOV problems were due to me entering the mm X mm size of my sensor instead of the um size. So my mistake! Big difference and that took are of it.


I began a 6 part Mosaic using the Scheduler in EKOS but after getting about halfway through the 4th part, the clouds rolled in. I do not know how to pick up where the schedule left off. Can anyone give me some guidance with this so I can complete this project on the next clear night? Many thanks.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

I deleted the camera settings and entered the correct specs. My mistake and now the FOV is as it should be. Hope it still plate solves with the correct settings. Thanks for all you help.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hey just wanted to report back that so far so good on plate solving. All I did was to completely uninstall all INDI and data files and then download and reinstall. Not sure how that might help someone else running into difficulties.
I am running into a problem with my Field of View and the settings that are auto entered for my Canon DSLR 600D. The size of the sensor seems to be incorrect. Do you know if there is a config file in which I might manually enter the camera specs for EKOS to use? I am having some difficulty when it comes to trying to do a Mosaic since the reported Field of View seems to be too large. Thanks for any suggestions.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hello again Hy. I've been getting more familiar with using EKOS by way of the simulators and so far all is going well. It looks like I might get some clear skies in a week and I'll be trying things with my DSLR and scope. Wondering if you could answer a question I've been wondering about. If I did not enter the pixel dimensions of my camera (5184x3456 mm) and either entered or did not enter the aperature and focal length of my imaging scope, but I left the auto update position and auto update imaging options in the alignment Scale & Position options checked, would EKOS enter the correct image info and FOV after doing a plate solve? My reason for asking is that I'm not sure if the trouble I was having was due to a corrupt INDI-FULL gsc file or something strange that happened when entering my camera specs. I guess what I'm asking is if there might be a way to have EKOS set the correct FOV specs based on what happens when trying to Plate Solve. Thanks for any ideas.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hello again. Well I purged all the data and did a remove and auto-remove of kstars and INDI. I then reinstalled and in the Simulator everything worked perfectly at least once. I'll try it a few times and see if it continues to work. If I do not have any additional difficulties, I'm going to assume that some of my attempts at changing settings was the source of my difficulties. Either that or the INDI-FULL gsc install was corrupted. That might explain not detecting any stars. I'll confirm either way after continuing my trials. Thanks for your help up to now.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

I think the way the FOV became what showed up in my options images is due to me entering the specs of the dslr I use in the Simulator CCD settings. I also entered the specs of my telescope. I assumed that was how the FOV was set automatically. Is that the case? I unchecked the options you suggested and the attached image shows the results.


Charles Martindell replied to the topic 'Plate Solvi' in the forum. 8 months ago

Thank you for the idea. I will give that a try and report back. Thanks again.


Charles Martindell created a new topic ' Plate Solving' in the forum. 8 months ago

Hello. I like Kstars and EKOS very much and would like to make use of it for my imaging but so far I have been almost completely unable to get Plate solving to work. I did a fresh install after purging all previous data and when selecting Capture and Slew, there was one successful plate solution but after the mount slewed and attempted the 2nd iteration to center the selected object, there were no further solutions. I tried using the simulator which made no difference. I experimented with various changes to the Options settings and still no joy. I'm attaching where I ended up with the options tabs and also the log that included both align and focus info. My equipment is a Losmandy G11 mount, a 10" f3.9 Newtonian, a Canon DSLR as my imaging camera, and a ZWOasi174 and an OAG for my guiding set up. When using NINA on a Windows 10 pc, Plate solving works well. But I prefer to use my ubuntu system and INDI and am hoping there is something obvious to someone that I could do to get Plate solving to work. Thank you to whoever takes the time to consider my situation here.
Charles Martindell


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    05. 12. 1957
  • About me
    Losmandy G11; Orion 10 inch newtonian astrograph; modified Canon DSLR