Thank you for putting so much time into this.
I did some more tests with simulators and I think that libXISF isn't the primary issue. The simulators immediately crash and the logfiles don't mention libXISF.

Buuuut the error I stumbled upon with the latest build has been fixed by now so I was able to build the lastest version tonight. I didn't have much time to tinker around with it yet but simulators are working without crashes so far.
In this very moment I attached my guiding cam to the Pi and the driver works as well.

It's not 100% wanted but it seems to be a working setup. I hope that I get to test my usual workflow this weekend to see if it's stable enough for me and if so, I'll keep this build.


Quick update on this, I tried again from scratch with latest after I've seen some changes in nou's libXISF project but building fails. Unfortunately I can't submit an issue to the project so I just hope that it will be seen here lol


Thanks! It looks indeed like libXISF is just missing.
sudo apt list libXISF doesn't return anything which I think makes sense because I bypassed apt by making and installing manually.
It shoud have been build and installed by the script, as it's not part of the usual repos of Raspberry Pi OS. Also I can't install it via apt because it's not in my repos.

But it looks like the the libraries are there at /usr/local/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ which I think is an odd location but that's where they were put during script processing.
I guess that's not the location KStars/Ekos expects or maybe some linking is missing.

Maaayyyybe I just have to switch to Ubuntu to make everything easier but I kind of like Raspberry Pi OS.


Hey folks,
I am new to this community but have been using INDI for a while now with astroberry. This weekend I decided to rebuild everything because I found out nou's script( that made everything sound pretty easy and I liked the idea of being independent from astroberry.
Everything looked fantastic during building and installing and Kstars started up exactly like it should but when I added my gear to Ekos(or even just used simulators) and started everything up, all the indi drivers crashed and at some point after retrying over and over again Kstars crashed too.

I am using a Raspberry Pi4 8GB, instead of an SD-Card I use a 128GB SSD connected via USB. That setup works perfectly fine, the Pi is set to accept an USB drives as the OS volume.

Here is what I do to reproduce the issue:
1. take the latest Raspberry Pi OS with Desktop 64bit Image and write it to the USB drive
2. start up the Pi and perform the initial setup(user, password, locale, network, hostname, ssh, vnc, updates, no additional software
3. git clone and cd into the directory
4. run ./ and afterwards /

As already said, the script did exactly what I expected it to do, I didn't notice any errors but when I start KStars and try to get started with Ekos all the drivers crash. I tried to get some details from the logs but found them not very helpful.
This is from the logs when I try to get only my guiding camera to work:

[2023-05-29T12:18:34.771 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Resetting Ekos Manager...
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.842 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Starting INDI services..."
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.845 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI: Starting local drivers...
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.846 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - Starting INDI Server:  ("-v", "-p", "7624", "-m", "1024", "-r", "0", "-f", "/tmp/indififoc3edcdc5") -f "/tmp/indififoc3edcdc5"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.865 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI: INDI Server started locally on port  7624
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.866 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - Starting INDI Driver "indi_asi_single_ccd"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.866 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server Started?  true
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.868 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - Scheduler Ekos status is 1
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.869 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - Adding managed driver "ZWO Camera"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.870 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDIListener: Adding a new client manager to INDI listener..
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.871 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI: Connecting to local INDI server on port  7624  ...
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.872 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI server connected.
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.873 CEST INFO ][           org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "INDI services started on port 7,624."
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.899 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: startup: /usr/bin/indiserver -v -p 7624 -m 1024 -r 0 -f /tmp/indififoc3edcdc5"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.899 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: listening to port 7624 on fd 5"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.899 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Local server: listening on local domain at: @/tmp/indiserver"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: FIFO: start indi_asi_single_ccd -n \"ZWO Camera 1\""
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: With name: ZWO Camera 1"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: FIFO: Starting driver indi_asi_single_ccd"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Driver indi_asi_single_ccd: pid=1891 rfd=9 wfd=9 efd=10"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Client 8: new arrival from - welcome!"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.900 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Driver indi_asi_single_ccd: indi_asi_single_ccd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.901 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Driver indi_asi_single_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer"
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.901 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:34: Driver indi_asi_single_ccd: Terminated after #0 restarts."
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.901 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  ""
[2023-05-29T12:18:34.903 CEST CRIT ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI driver  "indi_asi_single_ccd"  crashed!
[2023-05-29T12:18:40.575 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - Removing managed driver "ZWO Camera"
[2023-05-29T12:18:40.576 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - Stopping INDI Driver  "indi_asi_single_ccd"
[2023-05-29T12:18:40.588 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:40: FIFO: stop indi_asi_single_ccd -n \"ZWO Camera 1\""
[2023-05-29T12:18:40.589 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  "2023-05-29T10:18:40: With name: ZWO Camera 1"
[2023-05-29T12:18:40.589 CEST DEBG ][           org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server:  ""

Is something wrong with libXISF? That part of the script worked perfectly fine as far as I can tell.

I already did a full reinstall(OS and script)twice but got the same results.
It's absolutely possible that I am doing something wrong. With astroberry I used things a little bit different, I always operated the Indiserver with the sidepanel and then connected Ekos to that server but it should work with just Kstars/Ekos, right?
Also could it be the 64bit Version of Raspberry Pi OS?

Any help would be appreciated!

Kind regards


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