I understand that the Canon driver is simply a specific case of the GPhoto one. I had all the resolution, pixel size, and other parameters set accurately in both cases, and I still never got the Canon driver to work. The GPhoto one worked fine, however, so I noted that here in case anyone else has a similar experience.


After talking with Nazmus from Naztronomy.com (who has an almost identical gear setup to myself), I was able to get my DSLR to capture using the GPhoto CCD driver instead of the Canon one. I installed Astroberry in 2022, but I have run several recent updates from the command line, so I should be running the latest software. My DSLR is a Canon EOS 60D, for reference. I haven't had an issue with my guider, which is a ZWO ASI120mm Mini guide camera. I hope this helps a little.


I am starting to get my head wrapped around Astroberry and Ekos, and I have nearly everything figured out except this issue. I use a Canon 60D DSLR as my main imaging camera, and I have a wired battery to keep the camera running constantly. I can get the camera to be recognized and connect to it in Ekos (the camera make and model are recognized, and it doesn't throw an error when I hit Connect) but when I go to run an exposure sequence, I get a "Failed to connect to serial port /dev/ttyUSB0" error. What is more bewildering to me is that I can use the live view button and get an accurate live view from the camera. I have tried Force Bulb mode on as well as using Bulb mode on the camera itself. I've also tried different USB connection cables. I have also run lsusb from the terminal and I can see a Canon device connected, but at times it can cut out if the camera goes to sleep.

I've looked at the instructions from someone named Jasem about updating the udev file, but I am not very versed in Linux and when I open the /dev folder I don't find any ports with USB in the name at all. Some of the other steps in the process fail for me as well.

Is there anyone else who has had this issue? I really want to make computer-controlled exposures work and get away from my intervalometer. Thanks in advance.


Ryan Larson replied to the topic 'Ekos plate solving errors' in the forum. 1 year ago

Thanks for your helpful reply, sorry I am just getting to this. Here is a picture I took after an unsuccessful plate solve near the pole.


Ryan Larson replied to the topic 'Ekos plate solving errors' in the forum. 1 year ago

I intend to plate solve using the imaging scope, but I have a separate issue with connecting my DSLR that I haven't resolved yet. For now I'm using the ZWO scope because it hasn't had any connection issues so far.


Ryan Larson created a new topic ' Ekos plate solving errors' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hello everyone, I've been dabbling in unguided astrophotography for a few years but I'm trying to make the leap to guiding. I stumbled upon Ekos and Astroberry and have been trying to make this work, but I haven't yet had a successful night with guiding. I recognize there is quite the learning curve but I am here for it. There are a few issues I've recognized that I would like to ask about.

  1. I know the date and time on my RPi are not updating because I am not connecting it to the internet. I read a few other posts that said this will cause problems with plate solving and polar alignment routines. Is there anyone out there who has had success solving this issue by manually updating the date and time at the start of each session via the terminal?
  2. Does plate solving allow Ekos to override the existing calibration of the mount? My mount forces me to update the alignment calibration on startup, but Ekos has given me error messages saying there is no need to update the calibration because the mount is already aligned.
  3. Given that my initial attempts at plate solving used incorrect date and time information and that most attempts to plate solve failed outright, are there any other likely factors that could have contributed to a nearly 90 degree solution error? The guide scope was pointed close to Polaris at the time, but it solved for coordinates that were well below the horizon.
Equipment:Mount: Celestron AVXPrimary Scope: Celestron C6 XLTGuide Scope: Orion 50mm Mini Guide ScopeImaging Camera: Canon 6DGuider: ZWO ASI120mm MiniComputer: Raspberry Pi 3 B running Astroberry, VNC connection to laptop


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