OK. I don't think that is the issue because the camera has 4608x2592 color pixels and the 2x2 binned image has 2304x1296 mono pixels. If your hypothesis was true I would expect 4608x2592 monopixels.
Also, in the setup I didn't ask for mono images.
Thanks for the suggestions, though. Next clear night I'll set up for unbinned images.


Thanks for differentialting the two for me. I didnt know that.


I am fairly new to INDI stuff.
- RPi Zero 2W
- RPi HQ Camera mounted at backfocus of 16"LX600
- bullseye arm64 lite. Update and upgrade
- apt install -y libcamera-apps indi-bin python3-picamera2 python3-lxml python3-astropy python3-pi
- pip3 install indi_pylibcamera
- indi_pylibcamera_postinstall
- indiserver -v indi_pylibcamera

The INDI driver started ok. Connected CCDCiel from my laptop. Connected to RPi INDI and camera indi_pylibcamera.
I was able to loop th epreview and manually focus and center the start (Procyon.) The preview was mono, of course. Then I started a sequence of 10 images. They were all uploaded to my laptop as FITS files. These images were all binned 2x2.
The next day I was looking at them and they only have a mono images and they have odd gaps every other row and column. I probed the FITS files and it only has that one image.
Did I set something up wrong in the INDI driver? If I capture using libcamera I get color images on the RPi I can move to my laptop, but the FITS images are weird.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    02. 07. 1965
  • About me
    I am retired, but I teach astronomy part time at Geneva College and I am the director of the observatory.