I have a Raspberry Pi Zero with a HQ RPi camera on it, it works from terminal with raspistill but if I try to start from Ekos or manually it doesn't work, I get the error:

2023-03-20T16:23:54: Driver indi_rpicam: indi_rpicam: symbol lookup error: indi_rpicam: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD16SetCaptureFormatEh
2023-03-20T16:23:54: Driver indi_rpicam: stderr EOF
2023-03-20T16:23:54: Driver indi_rpicam: restart #10
2023-03-20T16:23:54: Driver indi_rpicam: pid=1066 rfd=0 wfd=6 efd=7
Child process 1065 died

I have latest Astroberry version 2.0.4, updated everything to the latest versions.

I've searched the forum, found little information, none worked, and I'm stuck, I managed to get a nice case for the Pi and the camera but haven't managed to get it to work under Kstars/Ekos and I'm desperate.