Jure Menart created a new topic ' Dithering duration' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all,

I tried enabling dithering with KStars/Ekos with last session and then I noticed it takes a long time (and I was under time pressure - aren't we always? :) ) so I disabled it once I noticed the progress is much slower then anticipated.

Does anybody have any experience with the average duration of dithering and how to set it up to some optimal time?

Maybe it is and I just need to take this time to account but last time it surprised me as I started with 30 seconds subs and most dithering periods were longer then that. Now of course I am sorry I didn't enable dithering at least for 3 minute subs I did after that :)

My timeline/results are in attached image - you can see dithering as light blue in Guide line - first I had dither every image, then I changed it every 10 images and then I disabled it fully). Also the log shows the dithering took 42 seconds (and wasn't the longest of all).