Yes, exactly, it keeps trying to slew and platesolve (since it correctly realizes that it is well above the specified error threshold) but eventually just stops getting closer, even while still several hundred arc-seconds away.

Note that when even further away, it does get closer, but then eventually it stops making progress. Unfortunately error it can't improve upon is enough to put a target off or nearly-off frame.


I'm using an LXD75 mount, ZWO ASI462MC camera for guiding, and a Nikon D5300 for imaging. I have most features working well and guiding in particular has been really solid for me.
The one issue I'm having is with the alignment module. This then means I can't use the scheduler, automatic meridian flips, etc.

I think the module is doing what is promises to do, that is, it:
1) Grabs an image successfully
2) Plate solves accurately (and quickly!)
3) Syncs the mount
4) Requests a new slew.

The problem seem so be that once it's within a few hundred arc seconds, the LXD75 mount just wont' respond by slewing any closer. It seems it decides it's "close enough" and just stays put. This leaves the desired target either at the edge of the frame or just off frame.

At this point, I bring up the manual controls in ekos and use them and repeated plate solving to dial in the right location manually.

This could still be automated if step 4 above was changed to

4) If error > X, request a new slew. If error < X, send guiding pulse of length to correct for error.

Is there any chance this is already possible and I've missed it?


Yes I mean in general, across the settings. All the settings in the INDI control panel seem to have a fixed length limit for the names (which is unaffected by window size, etc). It seems like there should be a way to figure out what the setting name actually is. I agree, in some cases it should be possible to match up the name with a name in a list of options in some documentation somewhere else (assuming two different setting names don't become identical after being shortened....) but from a UI standpoint, that doesn't seem like the right solution here.


Is there any convenient way to see what the setting names actually are in the ekos/indi interface? I figured mousing over them would work, but no. Sure, I can guess at a lot of them, but it seems like there must be a better way!


Can EKOS/INDI send GPS NMEA data to an lx200 telescope? In particular I am wondering if the time and date can be set automatically using indi/ekos instead of manually, using the laptop time translated into GPS NMEA data.



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  • Birthdate
    31. 12. 1982
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    lxd75 user