Michael replied to the topic 'AZ-GTI in AZ-mode tracking problems' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hello, Jasem,

I attached Mat's data to the previous post. We're noticing a strange polling issue in the logs. The issue for Mat is inconsistent polling during 100ms as well as a spike similar to mine (except super big) with a 1 second delay before the spike. For me, my polling is consistent at 100ms except right before the data spikes. To help diagnose the issue, I propose the following.

1. In the skywatcherAPIMount.cpp file, add an if statement to cover us when the PID returns a "0" value (Line 1227 & Line 1284). For instance, use the last non-zero value from the prior poll for the current poll and log the results as we did previously for the non-zero values.
2. Define a function which allows us to view the step period ("i") in the skywatcherAPI.h and skywatcher API.cpp files. Call the function after setting it as a variable for both axes (we can set it as a variable before as as TrackingRateReadBack or something to this effect.) in skywatcherAPIMount.cpp at line 1233 & 1290, respectively for axis 1 and axis 2.

Does this make sense?
