Michael replied to the topic 'AZ-GTI in AZ-mode tracking problems' in the forum. 1 year ago

Mat - in regard to your first post, yes, that's exactly what appears to be happening.

As far as your second post, you'd expect one setpoint per poll per axis. In my data, I did not see that particular issue. The reason may be that I only tested settings by turning tracking on/off once with the my settings (i.e. I didn't change settings during the 10 minute sessions). This could be a separate issue which we may need to explore.

If you have 10 minutes, could you try the following indoors and send me the log file? I want to compare the data in the spreadsheet and see what exactly is happening. Just looking at the log file with many data points is difficult.

1. Set the settings to default with 100 ms poll time. make sure tracking is off.
2. Delete the log file for the session (it will re-appear).
3. start tracking.
4. track for ~ 10 minutes with no interruptions.
5. stop tracking.
6. end the session.
7. provide the log file as an attachment.

Two things we can conclude from this testing:
- If we see the same issue in your log file as I have (spikes), then it is a common cause which we'll need to investigate further.
- If we do not see multiple setpoints per poll period, we know there is probably an issue with settings being applied during the same session (i.e. changing of the poll time or other setting).

Of course, anyone else may send data as well following the above procedure. This thread has nearly 19k views, so I know there are more people out there :)
