Michael replied to the topic 'AZ-GTI in AZ-mode tracking problems' in the forum. 1 year ago

I tested at 100 ms with no deadband.

I noticed something in the data. There appears to be a 5 second delay in the log file where the spikes in error are occurring. I went back to the other data files I submitted a few days ago, and it appears to be a similar situation for those as well. I also went back to the data from March and before the spike a 5 second gap exists (when a spike occurred, that is).

I did a conditional formatting of column J on the attached files. Look at the rows approximately where the large spikes occur on the graph and you'll see that instead of 100ms between the time increment you'll see 5 seconds right before the spike.

The question is: What is happening? Is the program freezing up resulting in tracking to turn off?
