Mat replied to the topic 'AZ-GTI in AZ-mode tracking problems' in the forum. 12 months ago

Hi Peter,

thank you for your input. I'm glad to hear that the wedge helped you succeed. I have also read many positive experiences with the AZ-GTI with wedge. But AZ mode really has a lot of advantages (set up in under 5 minutes, no polaris needed), so the point of the thread was to get to the bottom of these problems.

I've had really great sessions over the last three days. It really works every time to slow down the drift using the circle procedure. It remains to be seen how much this can be optimized (how to set the sync points perfectly). It's very cloudy right now and over the last few days I've only been able to collect frames bit by bit between the clouds, but with the new method the imaging starts for me:

This was a test on M16:
700 frames a 14 sec (over 4 days between the clouds :blink: )
Raspberry PI HQ Camera
76/418 Scope
Balcony in a midsized City

And it's clear to me that with my skills (absolute beginner) and the Raspberry cam, that's not the top edge of the possible, but without the drift I can now take pictures, which I think is really great!

Feedback from other testers is still welcome!