Finally i found a solution for this editing files rolloffino.cpp and rolloffino.h

So now i have 4 auxiliary switches.

I attach a zip with files modified if somebody want to do this improve, follow these steps:

1 - Sketch rolloff.ino file in a arduino board
2 - Compile INDI-rolloffino Driver with rolloffino.cpp and rolloffino.h attached files
3 - Follow compile-indi-core.txt to compile indi-core
4 - Follow compile-new-indi-driver.txt to compile new indi-rolloffino driver with our changes
5 - Pin connections between arduino and relay board
Arduino to Relay board
Pin4 to relay1
Pin5 to relay2
Pin6 to relay3
Pin7 to relay4
Pin8 to relay5
Pin9 to relay6
Pin10 to relay7
Pin11 to relay8
Pin GND to GND relay board
PIN 5V to 5V Relay Board
6 - Connect Arduino board to ekos and start driver rolloffino.

That's all folks!!!