Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Guys,

have tried guiding with PHD2 and result is the same behavior. The calibration fails and I los the guidingstar.

Have also tried it several times with ST4 but no change.


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,

is your suggestion to compare my logs with a log from an other EQ mount ? I could ask someone with an EQ6-R mount to generate logs and send them to me. What do you think ?


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Jasem,

please see the right topic here:
Something went wrong at creating a new topic and I had to do so a few times, so this double posting happend.
Already reported this one to be deleted.


Alex created a new topic ' Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all, I am fresh starting with astrophotography and I am facing an issue that I can't get fixed. Every time a want to start the guiding the calibration fails with the message "RA drift reverse failed". I can see in the calibration plot the green dots in a line, but the white dots are continuing this line and not reverting. After 20 attempts it fails. I am using an EQ5 Pro mount which is connected via USB to my laptop which runs Ubuntu with Kstars. The behavior stays the same with ST4 cable. The GoTo function works fine, I can use it directly from Kstars. Manual movement from the Mount tab in EKOS works also. Someone any suggestions, or had someone the same issue with this mount ?
Is there a way to set logging to Debug for guiding ?

If more information is needed just let me know.
Thanks in advance.

File Attachment:

File Name: guide_log-2023-02-25T23-16-43.txt
File Size: 5 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: ekos-2023-02-25T21-57-19.log
File Size: 37 KB


Alex created a new topic ' Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all,I am starting fresh with astrophotography and facing an issue with guiding that I can't get fixed.The guiding won't start, because of failing the calibration at the "RA drifitng Reverse" step. At the calibration plot I can see that the green dots are starting a line, but the white dots for reverse are continuing this line and not reverting. After 20 tries EKOS aborts the guiding.I am using a EQ5-Pro mount, which is connected via USB to my laptop running Ubuntu with Kstars. Have also tried via ST4 cable, but the same result. Parameters are all default and I have tried several new profiles. The setup is balanced and the GoTo function works when I want to point to a specific star. Manual control from the mount tab works also in all directions.The logs for guiding seems to have only the minimum of information, is there a way to set it to debug ?Did someone have the same behavior with this mount and knows hot to fix that ?If more information needed, just let me know.


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,

you are right, had a little miss alignment. Have fixed that.
Please see the new log.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_20-00-29.txt
File Size: 417 KB


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

I had a primary train just for my imaging setup and the train in the screenshot as secondary.
For troubleshooting I have created a new profile and added only the train with the guiding equipment to avoid other sources of errors.


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi guys,

please find here the logs from today.

A screenshot of my train for the Guiding.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_19-34-29.txt
File Size: 732 KB


Alex replied to the topic 'Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Wolfgang,

thank you.
I have forgotten to set the logging to debug, have only the normal logs here. Maybe this helps already.
Will create tonight new logs with debug.

File Attachment:

File Name: ekos-2023-02-25T21-57-19_2023-02-26.log
File Size: 37 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: guide_log-2023-02-25T23-16-43_2023-02-26.txt
File Size: 5 KB


Alex created a new topic ' Guiding - Calibration failing' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all,

I am fresh starting with astrophotography and facing one problem I cant get fixed.

I am suing an EQ5 Pro Mount over USB to my laptop running Ubuntu and Kstars. Everytime starting Guiding I am getting after 20 attempts the error that RA drift reverse failed.
Mount is full functional and can be controlled over mount tab, GoTo is also working. Setup is balanced and getting the same error with ST4 cable.

Any suggestions or Ideas ?
If more information is needed just let me know.
Thanks in advance.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    26. 01. 1994
  • About me
    Just starting with astronomy and astrophotography. Glad abut any good advice I can get.