Sparticle replied to the topic 'Nikon D200 and astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

It proves the Canon driver works. The Nikon driver does not. They are not the same code.

Ekos/Kstars is ok I think. The issue is the INDI driver.


Sparticle replied to the topic 'Nikon D200 and astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

Yes let's tackle one issue at a time. I am using a Nikon D200 you are using a Canon!


Sparticle replied to the topic 'Nikon D200 and astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago

With gphot2 using entangle to control the camera. Then you are limited to 30 seconds exposure and this works reliably and consistently upto 30 sec exposures. However setting bulb mode on the camera and then connecting results in it not functioning. Gphot2 sets PC Mode on the camera LCD and is the same way that Nikon Capture software does. However, when connected via INDI the LCD camera screen is still operational. I don't know if this is how it is supposed ot work but all documentation says when connected via USB then it should show PC mode in the LCD.

Also, the Quality setting is not quite right. When you set the quality to RAW in the camera and connect it then it is displayed as unknown value 003 rather than RAW. Images captured seem to still be in RAW .NEF format. I think it is actually setting RAW with Lossless Compression. Rather than just RAW with no compression. Changing the setting in the software to RAW results in it setting RAW plus jpeg. This is a serious PITA as it fills up the SD card with useless jpg files. There is a size difference in the 2 .NEF files with the RAW software setting resulting in the larger file so probably RAW no compression but also a jpg. RAW setting on the camera then connect you get the 003 error but lossless compressed .nef and no jpg.

Any help appreciated.


Sparticle replied to the topic 'INDI DSLRs FAQ' in the forum. 2 years ago

Setting the camera to bulb mode does not work on the latest indi stack. I just built a new astroberry server and am testing it with my Nikon D200. If I set bulb mode on the camera I cannot take any image longer than 30 secs. All works perfectly upto and including 30 seconds. If I set force bulb mode in the EKOS/INDI control panel. Any length of capture causes the camera to hang. No shutter is triggered.
Can you advise please.



Hello I hope someone can assist. I am struggling to get EKOS and INDI working with my Nikon D200. The driver seems to work ok when Force bulb mode is off. This is when bulb mode is already selected on the camera which i limited to 30-second exposures from the actual camera settings.

If you set force bulb mode on and try and capture any image it fails.The driver reports [INFO] Force BULB is enabled. All exposures shall be captured in BULB mode except for subsecond captures. But they are not. The shutter is not triggred and the camera display just shows the PC with the moving line until you switch it off and it then messes up the camera settings. The quality setting is changed etc.

So you have to disconnect in the INDI control panel, Stop EKOS switch off the camera and start again.

So if I want to take any exposure over 30 seconds it does not work.

My intervalometer works for longer exposures but of course I have to be at the camera for that to work!

Can anyone help?



Yes the DNS server is on the LAN resolv.conf already has the correct information.



Thanks for the messages on this. The name is server is local to the network. If i reboot the astroberry server after a few minutes DNSis working agian and I can ping the network properly. After a random period it stops working the DNS server is working otherwise everyone else would have DNS issues. The only solution is to reboot the server so something and it works again until another random stoppage.



This is happening constantly and I am having to reboot astroberry to get the dns resolver working.

Can anyone assist in troubleshooting please.



I am having issues with Astroberry server DNS service failing. It is causing constant issues with kstars and other software because no internet.

I have checked the setting in resolvconf and they are correct. The DNS server on the network is operating perfectly and other devices use it just fine.

It's like the local dns resolver is not there. I have to reboot the server and then wait for it to come back up. Hit and miss as to whether DNS works.

Can anyone help troubleshoot this issue.



Sparticle created a new topic ' Nikon D200 and astroberry' in the forum. 2 years ago


I am very new tp Astrophotography but wanted to start out using my trusty Nikon D200.

I have a setup a test rig and have the following setup.

Astroberry running and connected to my network.
Nikon D200 with 18-200mm AF-S DX lens
D200 connected to the rpi using USB tether cable and USB mode set to PTP on the camera.
lsusb reports the Nikon D200 connected in PTP mode.
Indi and kstars see the D200 and I can see the camera options using the indi control panel.
I have set the image size and pixel size from the online source database.
when I try and take a preview in the capture tab I get a failed to expose error. I can't seem to get past this.
Can anyone advise the basic settings I need to set on the D200 indi control panel or the camera to be able to at least preview and image and take test exposures.
Once I can confirm I can control the exposure I can move on the mount and other things.

The idea is to setup an astrophotography station in the paddock. We live on the edge of the Lincolnshire Wolds and have amazing dark skies as very low light pollution.
I have power and a wifi network for the security camera etc. to the paddock so the rig would be self contained with the rpi and astroberry server and all electronics remote.

I would then connect via the network to control the mount/camera etc. using my desktop. All images would be saved on the NAS server on the network and can them be processed using my powerful Ubuntu workstation.

But I cannot seem to get off the ground with even the basic connectivity to the camera and have read many many articles which are light on detail as to how this black magic works.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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    20. 06. 1963
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    Just getting started with Astroberry