
@Jasem thanks I'll investigate more on my side, since for me changing the locale did not change the way Ekos loads the configuration. I must have something a bit off with my install.

@Ed thanks for the nicer workaround !



I encountered some minor bug that I report here. To control my old EOS 350d I use Ekos with the GPhoto CCD indi driver and a usb->serial adapter. The linux device associated to the adapter has a quite lengthy name "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_Pierro_Astro_EOS_Remote_Controler_FTS1J0V3-if00-port0". The driver works fine when I use this value as "shutter release port" value. The problem arise when I try to save the configuration. The value is saved as is in the xml configuration file,c.f. the file attached below. But when I try to relad the configuration (on a fresh start of Kstars/Ekos/Indi for instance) the shutter release port value is truncated and some "weird" caracters are added. It looks as if there was some kind of bufferoverflow when reading the the port value from the configuration, as this does not happen with shorter port values (/dev/ttyUSB0 works just fine for instance).

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open Kstars/Ekos
2) Launch a Indi profile with a GPhoto camera
3) Add a too long name for instance /dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_Pierro_Astro_EOS_Remote_Controler_FTS1J0V3-if00-port0
4) Save the configuration
5) Stop and restart the server to reload the configuration

This was found using Kstars 3.6.6, Indi 2.0.2 (with protocol 1.7), gphoto2 2.5.27 on a x86_64 machine with Ubuntu 22.04 as OS.

That's not blocking per se, as there are workarounds:
- One can still redefine the correct value every time one boots,
- Or one could also use the shorter /dev/ttyUSBX (usually /dev/ttyUSB0) to which the serial device is linked (but this can be tricky if more than one usb/serial adapter is used in the setup as in this case there are more than one /dev/ttyUSBX, and the number depends on the physical devices startup sequence)

But these workaround defeats the purpose of a configuration, if ones must redefine values everytime :)



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    14. 08. 1987
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    New astram