Tamas Butuza replied to the topic 'Fornax Mount support?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hello 4NDY,

Just some important info for trying out the MC5 with Indi:

- MC5 communicates at 115200 Baud on the serial port. (The default setting in most of the systems is 9600 Baud) You should check this before connect.
- The MC5 should be fully configured before connect to it with LX200 protocol. It means: The time, geographic position, park position should be already set in the MC5.
- The MC5 should be initialized before you connect it with LX200 protocol. It means: The MC5 should be unparked or synhronized to the encoders before use it with LX200 protocol. The hand controller automatycally unparks the MC5 just after powering on. Also If the hand controller is always connected, this precondition is always met.
- Please do not modify or set these settings (time, geographic position, park position) via LX200 protocol.

The geographic position and park pos should be set with MCConfig.
The time can be set later with the hand control if needed.
I highly recommend Ursa Minor program to check the geographic position and set the time in the MC5. There is a free demo version of Ursa Minor, available on my homepage.
