Tamas Butuza replied to the topic 'Fornax Mount support?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Dear Guys,

I am Tamas Butuza, the developer of the MC5 controller, which is used mostly with Fornax mounts.

If you have any question, please ask me. Please note, that most of the time I am very busy, so sometimes I need a few time to answer questions.

The MC5 understands two different protocols:
- Native Ursa Minor protocol (Can be used with Ursa Minor porogram, and with the Ursa Minor Ascom driver)
- LX200 protocol. (It can be used for many software, for example Indi drivers)

With the LX200 protocol it can be operated with Indi: I tested it with Kstars and Ekos. It worked well, however I did test only the basics:
- goto and sync worked
- MC5 did the Meridian flip correctly.
- Manual guiding (sending pulseguide commands) worked.
One of my users in Hungary uses the controller with Asi Ari Pro. (If I remember, it contains a Raspberry Pi, and it runs Indi inside)

The most important thing is upgrade the controller to the newest firmware (The hand controller also should be upgraded to the most up to date firmware)

Then, I recommend you to try the MC5 with the Ursa Minor program, and get familiar with it (Even, if you would like it later with totally different software environment)
If you configured everything, and the MC5 does everything well (Meridian flip, and synchronize to the absolute encoders), you can switch to any different software you like.

Unde Indi, there are more LX200 drivers. Try to use one "generic" or "standrd" one.

Just another useful info:
The MC5 can be operated withthe encoder, using closed loop control.
It means, It keeps the tracking error within +/- 0.5 arcsecond without encoder. you need Heidenhain 25 bit encoder installed on the Ra axis of the Fornax mount.
See this screenshot:

Best regards,