Michal replied to the topic 'KStars remote saving path problem' in the forum. 2 years ago

Dear Mr. T-Studio,
I have to agree with Mr. TKatura. He was saying the same as you are saying first, but then he tested and changed his view - just see this thread above. I think there might be some misunderstanding. You always talk about Samba, but in my case, I am not using Samba, or at least not conciously, for operating my setup from the KStars running on the PC. It just connects to the INDI server running at the RPi. Well, I use Samba when I want to map my RPi storage to Windows, but it is a different story. Saving images "remotely", i.e., on the RPi, is significantly less time consuming than saving them "locally", i.e., transfer them to the PC (if you use wire connection, the situation is a lot different, but it is very nicely observable when using WiFi). Hence, I conclude that there is no image transfer to the PC and back to RPi when using "remote" saving. I was testing this with KStars 3.6.3 Beta.

Greetings to Japan and clear skies,