Michal created a new topic ' KStars remote saving path problem' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all,
I have been using KStars running on RPi 4 for some time, but now I want to experiment with KStars 3.5.9 running under windows on my laptop and using the RPi as an INDI server only. Not to slow down the capturing, I want to save the images on a USB drive connected to RPi rather than transmitting the data over the WiFi and save it on my laptop. I am not a linux guy, but I was able to succesfully mount my USB drive into an accessible directory. However, I have problems with the path for remote saving specified in KStars / EKOS in the CCD tab. The problem is that if I specify some directory, e.g. /home/astroberry/USBHDD, KStars automatically adds \Lights (\Flats etc.) in the end of the path and tries to make the corresponding directory. However, as the "\" character is not recognized as a part of the path by RPi (using "/" in the path), it ends up with an error (invalid argument, permission denied). I was able to go around by making directories "share\Light", "share\Flat" etc., then mounting my USB into all of these, and then specifying the remote saving path as /home/astroberry/USBHDD/share, so that the path string composed by KStars is /home/astroberry/USBHDD/share\Light, but I really dont like such a solution.
Is there any possibility to simply turn off the automatic path extension with the suffix \Light, \Flat, \Bias and \Dark? Or is it possible to define these suffices in order that I could change the "\" to "/"? BTW I think this might be a problem of Windows - RPi interaction: the Windows version of KStars might use "\" by default (?)

Any hint warmly welcome, thank you very much!
