Joaquin Barcelo replied to the topic 'INDI LibCamera Driver' in the forum. 2 years ago

@Anjo you did an impressive work. Thanks.

If I understand correctly your code, libcamera driver resolution is not updated with resolution update messages coming from indi server

Maybe adding/editing the following lines could help:

bool INDILibCamera::Connect()


        // stillOptions->width = 1920;
        // stillOptions->height = 1080;

        // Get resolution from indi:ccd (whatever is settled when we are connecting), and update libcamera driver resolution
        stillOptions->width = PrimaryCCD.getXRes();
        stillOptions->height = PrimaryCCD.getYRes();


bool INDILibCamera::UpdateCCDFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h)

    // Always set BINNED size
    Streamer->setSize(subW, subH);
    // Set libcamera resolution as defined in update message
    auto stillOptions = m_StillApp->GetOptions();   
    stillOptions->width = w;
    stillOptions->height = h;
