bla created a new topic ' noob - getting started help needed' in the forum. 2 years ago

I am sorry to pose all these noob questions but I'm rather confused.

I have a boatload of experience with robotic 'scopes and different mounts and control systems. I have a lot of experience using SkyTools and Stellarium with various rigs. I've even built custom cables over the years. I use ASCOM with my Windows computers and connect my client astro app to my old Vixen Super Polaris mount hacked with an old IDEA GoToStar drive system. It works a treat using the Vixen SkySensor 2000 mount driver with good basic functionality. I even wrote my own virtual hand controller in Visual Studio for additional functions and a spiral search.

So I'm feeling pretty dumb about this new environment!

I want to effectively replicate in INDI what I am doing on Windoze but on my Linux machine. I have a current version of Ubuntu running on an old Surface Book (1st edition). I believe I have activated all the INDI library parts. I have Stellarium 1.1 loaded. I have built a mount profile in Stellarium. But now I'm stuck!

In the INDI settings part of the mount config window in Stellarium, I see the host, TCP port, and devices fields. host shows localhost at the moment. The port is 7624. But the Devices combo box is empty. When I hit the Refresh Devices, nothing happens.

If I were in Windows, at this stage, I'd connect to the ASCOM telescope chooser and I'd be able to select the preferred mount driver, set the port, and I'd be on my way.

So, what should I be doing? Or what am I doing wrong?

Are there beginner, getting-started, instructions anywhere? I looked and didn't see them. But if I missed them, tell me to RTFM and I'll do it.

Is there a "test" process I can use? Is there a client I can launch to test the INDI server is loaded, running, working, and exposes the mount drivers?

Thanks for your time. Sorry to be a bother.
