I figured it out. I needed to change the baud rate.


Hey folks, I'm trying to get the indi_server process running in docker with my rig. (All usb devices. Mostly zwo, with an eq6r-pro mount). For the most part it's been pretty easy. You can see my dockerfile here: github.com/twinkle-astronomy/twinkle/blo...ster/indi/Dockerfile . The command I run to start the image as a container is: `docker run --rm -it --name indi --privileged --net host indi /bin/bash`. FInally the command to run the indi server: `indiserver -v -m 1024 -r0 -d 1014 -l logs indi_eqmod_telescope indi_asi_ccd indi_asi_wheel indi_asi_focuser`.

The only thing that isn't working for me is eqmod. All of the other devices work so I know I'm passing usb into the container at least a little bit. It works when I run indi_server directly on the machine (with a system-wide indi install), so I know it could work (cables are plugged in correctly, kernel is supported, etc), but when I run the same command from within docker it's unable to connect.

Has anyone gotten this working? Also, I haven't gotten any feedback from eqmod about what is wrong. When I connect in kstars the other devices show in in the indi device manager, but when I click connect for the eqmod tab it waits a bit, then disconnects. The logs are empty. Is there a way to turn on more verbose debugging output?


Chris Constantine replied to the topic 'API for Rust' in the forum. 2 years ago

Whoa, that's looking awesome. It looks like you're making way more progress than I am.


Chris Constantine replied to the topic 'API for Rust' in the forum. 2 years ago

> Thanks! I have already written the rust INDI API and am making a program that uses it. This is not a separate crate, but a simple indi_api.rs module. I will look you code any way

Cool, glad you've got something working. I'd be interested in seeing your implementation if you're comfortable showing it.

> What is rule to find property where gain is stored?

I have no idea. I haven't been able to find any documentation of what each class of device's (CCD, focuser, mount, etc)
properties mean or do. I hope there is some kind of standard, but I fear that each device implementation has s different set of properties.


Chris Constantine replied to the topic 'API for Rust' in the forum. 2 years ago

I've been working on a rust api for indi, and just published the first version of it. Feel free to check it out, and I'd be happy to help if you run into any troubles are simply get confused. Feedback would be great too; I'm new to rust, and now's the time to get the rust api settled.

The crate is called indi (NOT indi_client), and you can see it on cargo here: crates.io/crates/indi.


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    28. 03. 1981
  • About me
    I am an astrophotographer and software developer. My astrobin: https://www.astrobin.com/users/cconstantine/