While I wait for 3rd party to get updated, can indi be used to connect to gphoto2 itself without indi_gphoto?
I tried to compile the 3rd party stuff myself, but seem to be having issues. Not sure if its related to my compiling or not, so I figured might be nice to try gphoto since it seems to have full support.


Im having issues trying to get this to be stable enough to use. It seems completely random and it may very well be my lack of knowledge on how to properly configure things to avoid it crashing.
I have a Sony a7rII using the indi_sony_ccd driver (manually compiled from indi-3rdparty )
I am current at 1.9.9 on both indi and 3rd party.

What I do it launch kstars, open EKOS and connect to my devices. In EKOS I head over to the alignment tab and try to take a pic. At this point my camera shutter opens, then a few seconds pass, then my camera screen goes dark, comes back on, and my computer sees the camera being "re attached" as if it had just crashed.

I dont know if my camera itself is crashing, or the driver is crashing, or my usb driver on my system is crashing, or what.

I'm not sure what else to include, Im running Arch.

Anyone know what I can do to fix this, debug this, etc?



OK, Ill keep checking back with each system update and see if the packages get upgraded.


Just updated my Arch packages and seen indi was upgraded to 1.9.9 from 1.9.8 where I had a working camera, but no working Mount (OpenAstroTracker).
Now that I am on 1.9.9, it seems the Mount will start, but the camera fails with that error in the title.

Any ideas what Is wrong?



I see, it seems I have
INDI Library: 1.9.8
Code 1.9.8-tgz. Protocol 1.7.

How do I obtain 1.9.9?


New to INDI and Astrophotography in general.
Here it says the driver for OpenAstroTracker is: indi_lx200_OpenAstroTech, but when I try and start indi like I see in examples, "indiserver -vv indi_lx200_OpenAstroTech" I get this error: Driver indi_lx200_OpenAstroTech: execlp : No such file or directory

Any ideas how to fix this?


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