Madison created a new topic ' I am so lost on setting this up' in the forum. 1 year ago

Help. I am so lost and a little frustrated. I feel I'm super close but I don't know what I don't know.I have1. a mele mini pc that I installed the stellar mate software2. a celestron 8" on evolution mount3. Celestron focuser on SCT4. ZWO 120 camera5. Celestron smart heater hub dew ring6. Celestron Power bank7. USB dongleI am so lost on how to set anything up.I have the pc with a USB to the pc port on smart hubI have the base connected via ethernet? cable to the hub, focuser, mountI have the camera USB to pcI have the USB GPS to pcThe power turns on the maleI use the pc to wifi to the STELLARMATE wifiI get to the screen where it seems to ask me to setup a profile. Mount: Celestron evolution wifiCamera 1: Zwo Camera 1Focuser: Celestron SCTAux 1: GPS DongleI click Save.I push startthere is a popup that egos is startingI get failed to connect to celestron wifi. Ensure it is connected. How do I connect to it? If the computer is WIFI to my computer, how can it wifi to the telescope mount at the same time? Is this possible? Did I set it up wrong or skip a step? I don't know how to make the stellar mate see the mount. Im including photos of settings I see. Maybe someone can point out what step I skipped? Or what setting needs to change?

I think what needs to happen is I need to somehow have the computer talk to the mount via wifi but also to the laptop/iPad which is a different wifi. I assume it is possible because I feel like I saw YouTube videos of people doing it.


Do I have update the Indi driver? I thought that happens when I redownload the newest version of KSTARS on a Mac. How od I update the Indi drivers


I want to +1 I am also having the same issue.
I redownloaded the newest KSTARS 5 min ago and it doesn't work unless I plug the focuser Directly via USB. Over AUX nothing happens.


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