Thanks Peter,

Completely agree. I'll definitely give reusing calibrations a go.

Much appreciated,



Thanks Peter,

I'll give saving calibrations a go. My setup isn't permanently mounted so yes I'll have to repeat calibration each night.

Doesn't seem right though that it would get half way through calibration before autofocus starts, which then pauses calibration mid way through the process. I use an OAG and find that if I'm guiding whilst autofocusing it struggles to guide and seems to negatively affect the focus that can be achieved.



I'm having an issue with EKOS where when running a sequence that involves a meridian flip, the flip will complete then guiding will start calibrating, however before calibration completes its interrupted by a filter change and autofocus. Once autofocus is complete guiding attempts to restart but is wildly out.
Guiding never settles down, presumably because calibration was interrupted.

Any ideas on how to solve this?



Richard created a new topic ' ServoBlaster Cap on Rpi4b?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Guys,

Long time lurker of this excellent forum but now I could do with a little help if you don't mind,

I'm running Astroberry/Ekos on a Rpi 4b and have recently installed the Servoblaster Cap system via the instructions here...
However I just can't seem to get the servo to respond other than the occasional bit of jitter. I have an oscilloscope and have scoped GPIO 17 (which is what the servo is connected to) and I can see a PWM signal but the signal appears unstable and weak.
I've tried the same setup on an old Rpi 3b and it works ok on that, albeit a bit jittery.

Ps, the servo has a dedicated 5V power supply.

Has anyone managed to get ServoBlaster running on a Rpi4b and if so were there any special settings required that I may have missed? any help would be much appreciated.




Richard created a new topic ' ServoBlaster Cap' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Guys,

Long time lurker of this excellent forum but now looking for a bit of advice if you don't mind,

I'm running Astroberry/Ekos on a Rpi 4b and have been trying to control a servo actuated flap via Servoblaster using the instructions here...
I just can't seem to get any response from the servo other than the occasional hum or jitter. I have an oscilloscope and can see that there is PWM control from GPIO pin 17 however the PWM seems unstable.
I tried running the same software setup and settings on an old Rpi 3b and it works ok on that, albeit a bit jittery.

Any ideas? am I missing something extra that's required for it to run on Rpi4?

Many thanks,



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