
Pretty noob on ekos. the polar alignment step is quite long : one time it take 40 images, an other time it take more than 50 images.
Every time I screw the azimuth or declination I have to have between 30 seconds and 1 minute to know if it's go on the right direction. The wal process could take half an hour or more.

Do you know any technique to speed up the process ?

In live view on the camera, the focus peaking show me the stars and I can see how far I move and direction without lag.
The live view on ekos could be great to but without annotations of where to go it's not useful.
The process to take a picture, download it, display, make astrometry each time doesn't sound very efficient.
I take binx2 images, 2500iso, shutter to 1s but the refresh time is much longer !

DonĀ“t want to go back to the polar scope : not pretty sure of how it's align, think I have some parallelism error between the telescope and the mount so doing with ekos sound really good.

Thanks for any help.


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