Thank you.

Two weeks ago I opened the chamber of three ST-7's I have and cleaned the CCD's. When I was about to check that work, the filter turret went haywire.
At that time, there was a system update before I started the checking process and when I tried to operate the camera from KStars, it crashed. I then noticed that there was an update for KStars, and when I updated it, KStars was up and running, but only the filter turret function was malfunctioning.
I did restart the camera driver as the first thing I did. I just happened to notice the button icon.
Then I also noticed that there are posts within this forum that appear to have the exact same symptoms. But no one responded, so I wondered if it was a self-solvable problem.

But since I couldn't figure out the cause of the problem by going through the user configuration files, let alone restarting the camera driver, and since purging and reinstalling KStars and INDI Libraries didn't change the situation, I decided to post it here.

I've tried the behavior in various cases, so reading the settings from the Ekos side right after the start fails, and informing Ekos of the settings from the INDI side is working.
I've also replaced 3 ST-7s with CFW8 and the same problem has reproduced itself, and this morning it was the same with a new ubuntu machine. So I was thinking that this was probably something to do with KStars, INDI SBIG CCD Lib, remnants of the old SBIG universal driver, and their relationship to the system.
Then a new build of KStars and an update of the ubuntu kernel arrived, so I tried them one by one and found that on two ubuntu PCs, once I was satisfied with these updates, the situation became normal.

I'm glad we got it resolved.

Translated with (free version)


Problem solved!I applied the newly arrived KStars update and the Ubuntu kernel update, and this combination has made the filter operation from Ekos normal.KStarsBuild: 2022-10-15T12:30:07ZUbuntu Kernel5.15.0-52-genericThe clean system laptop also now works correctly with the kernel update.


I just installed Ubuntu MATE 20.04.5 on another laptop and built KStars, INDI and SBIG Parport Special driver.

It is a completely clean system but I am having the exact same problem with the filter operation after connecting to ST-7 and CFW8.


Thanks for your comments.
Based on your experience, it may be that Ekos is waiting for the filter wheel to be flagged to return to its origin.
I immediately opened the lid of the CFW8, shifted the wheel slightly by hand, put the lid back on and connected it to Ekos. When I powered on the wheel, the wheel did indeed spin and return to its origin, but the response on Ekos's part was the same as before.

I need to worry about this some more.

Translated with (free version)


I just updated to KStars 3.6.1 Stable (Build: 2022-10-14T04:48:59Z).
Unfortunately, the situation has not changed.


I am currently using a system from Ekos with just ST-7 and CFW8 for indoor experiments.

The specific situation is shown in the attached diagram.


Thanks for the help.

I tried following the instructions to get the Log, but it doesn't seem to work.
$ gdb --ex run --args kstars
Now when I start KStars and try to enable Debug as described, it immediately disables it.
I was able to enable it only after I reflected the filter settings in INDI to Ekos, so I am attaching the log I was able to get anyway.

According to the log, the version of KStars is "3.6.1 Stable" and the build date is "2022-10-05T04:40:28Z".

Translated with (free version)

File Attachment:

File Name: log_00-02-00_2022-10-13.txt
File Size: 16 KB


I cannot switch or edit filters on the SBIG CFW8A Wheel from Ekos.
From the INDI Control Panel, you can switch and edit filters, and the settings will be reflected in the "Camera & Filter Wheel" of Ekos.

It seems that only the filter settings are not loaded from "~/.Indi/SBIG CCD_config.xml" when Ekos is started.

I have purged KStars and even deleted the configuration files on home and reinstalled, but no improvement.

Ubuntu Mate 20.04.5 LTS x86_64
KStars 3.6.1 Stable


If you cannot connect ST-7 with INDI SBIG Librally
Previously, the drivers that could access SBIG Parport were
libsbigudrv2, libsbigudrv2-dev
once installed.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install libsbigudrv2
$ sudo apt install libsbigudrv2-dev

Installing these will exclusively erase the indi-full installation, so reinstall it again

$ sudo apt install indi-full

Doing this... for some reason, the ST-7 connection works fine.
When I re-install indi-full, this time libsbigudrv2 and libsbigudrv2-dev are exclusively erased, but there is some file left, which I think is the key to connect SBIG Parport and INDI-SBIG.


Hi Juanjo

I have succeeded in getting the ST-7 recognized by INDI SBIG Librally by installing the SBIG Parport Driver.

SBIG Parallel Port cameras

To use sbig-parport repo
clone the udev rule installation instructions

$ cd . /Downloads/sbig-parport-master/driver
$ make
$ sudo make install
Just in case "depmod" seems to be skipped during installation
$ sudo depmod -a

and then load the sbig-parport (and parport-gpio) module.

$ sudo insmod /usr/lib/modules/x.xx.x-xx-generic/extra/sbiglpt.ko
( sudo find / -name sbiglpt* → x.xx.x-xx )

When sbiglpt gets the parallel port, Kernel Modules on HardInfo will be told


appears in Kernel Modules on HardInfo, and SBIG-enabled applications based on the SBIG SDK will detect the LPT1 camera.

Conflicts with other modules
Check HardInfo to make sure that the lp and ppdev drivers are not loaded at the same time as sbiglpt.
( $ sudo apt install hardinfo )
You may want to add the module to the blacklist in advance.
Edit blacklist.conf.

$ sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Add the contents of "blacklist-lp.conf" in the /modprobe directory of the repository as a reference.

# sbiglpt cannod load if lp device driver claims the only parallel port
blacklist lp
blacklist ppdev


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