I've been urged by Jasem Mutlaq to try using the Wired option of the Celestron AUX driver to connect my StellarMate Pro to my AVX mount. I've been getting extremely flaky results of late going through my hand controller's min-USB port using the Celestron GPS driver. I have several questions the community might be able to answer.

1. How "beta" is the AUX driver? The docs say it is beta. Is anyone using it successfully?
2. Driver documentation lists five ways to connect. See screenshot. Of these, 1,4, and 5 won't work with my equipment. 2 is what I tried and it doesn't even connect. The doc describes this as in alpha testing. So probably not viable for me.

The only possibly viable approach for me would be #3. It seems that that would require me to find a RJ12-serial cable, connecting the RJ12 end to one of the mount's AUX ports and then getting a good (not the cheap kind) of serial-USB connector to connect to the USB port of the Stellarmate. Has anyone gotten this type of connection to work (not necessarily with Stellarmate) , and if so where did you obtain the cabling?

I have always felt, as a retired software engineer that connecting through the handset was a really ugly kludge. INDI has the Celestron AUX API already. Why does it need this annoying connection through the handset. I'm eager to give this a try as it's much simpler, but I don't know if it will work.