Juan Daniel created a new topic ' Refocus during capture by HFR' in the forum. 10 months ago


last night I was taking images with Ekos and I enabled the autofocus if HFR > 1.5 px. Frames look pretty well but I faced each one or two captures Ekos started to refocus. I thought I had a very low HFR value and for that reason it tried to refocus continously, so I changed the value to 2 px (without stop the capture, I donĀ“t know if it is possible to update the value during the loop).

However the issue persisted and I faced after last autofocus, HFR value was updated to 1.0.... px instead of 2px. Is there any process that updates this value after a refocus? Is this the expected behaviour?

Finally, I had to disable this option and refocus every 30 minutes.

Thanks and regards.