I've used prior versions of kstars for 18 months or so, but setting up a new rig I've ended up with kstars 3.6.3. I cannot work out how to setup optical trains. My camera is connected to Indi fine, but when I start ekos I get to this screen:

which looks nothing like the picture shown in the documentation videos. I can select components fine, but clicking "+" does nothing. If I close the window then no optical trains are defined so I cannot take any shots etc. How do I add an optical train?


With my slow optics and narrow field, plate-solving works very nicely if I go to the align tab and select ISO6400 and a 4 second exposure, but fails due to not enough stars on the default settings of ISO800 and 1s exposure.

When using the scheduler within kstars, ticking the "Align" box is supposed to get kstars to take a frame and plate-solve it to ensure it is pointing at the target before starting the job. How does it decide what exposure details to use for that capture? If I change the exposure time and ISO in the Align tab this information doesn't get saved into the scheduler list or sequenceQueue files, and I can't find an option to set the default value anywhere. When it does pickup the default value of ISO800/1s the sequence then fails because alignment fails.


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    07. 04. 1993
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    Using kstars