I did sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade before this test, so I think it's up to date.
Is there any other steps I need to do to keep Kstars updated?


It does help a bit but still very dark. And the stretched image is different to the native transferred image - ideally they should be the same right?
I need > 30s exposure to get a solvable image, while with native transfer < 10s is sufficient.


Additional info:

* FITS viewer configuration:
- Limited resources mode OFF.
- Auto stretch OFF.
- Auto debayer ON.
- 3D Cube ON.
- Non linear histogram ON.

* Some tests with FITS viewer:
- Saved the native format image to FITS and loaded it in FITS viewer - and it's the same as FITS transferred file (dark image).
- GIMP and Siril shows normal image for both files.
- Changed the bit depth to 8 using gimp and opened with FITS viewer - now shows normal image.


I'm using Astroberry with Pi4, to control my Nikon d5300 DSLR.
If I capture in native transfer mode, there's no problem and the image shown on FITS viewer is same as the image shown on my camera.

but in FITS transfer, the bit depth is set to 16bits per pixel and I think that "dims" the image.

Since focus/align modules force FITS transfer, they can't find any stars and fails.
If I manually change the transfer format to native during exposure in the INDI control panel, everything works fine.
Is there any fix or this? Any way to change the bit depth to NEF depth or use correct conversion? Force modules to use native transfer?

Thanks in advance.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    23. 11. 2000
  • About me
    Apertura 60EDR + Nikon D5300
    Ioptron SmartEQ + 30mm guidescope + zwo120mm
    Pi4 + Astroberry