Alistair Marlow replied to the topic 'indi_celestron_aux' in the forum. 2 years ago


I'm experiencing the same problem reported by Jack in his post above,

My KStars direction / movement is inverted when using ekos to control the mount. Like Jack I'm in the southern hemisphere. My setup is a CPC925 on an equatorial wedge, using Astroberry to control the equipment. Mount location is set correctly (KStars location also set to Kyneton, Australia).

In addition to what Jack has noted in his post, I've found the following:
- after syncing to three stars I can successfully do a goto to those stars from Kstars.
- doing a goto to an un-synced star, after the above three star alignment, sees the telescope move in the wrong drection, as noted by Jack.
- after attempting to go to an 'un-synced' star, if I then do a goto back to a synced star, the location marker for the telescope in Kstars is no longer showing at the location of the synced star on Kstars even though the telescope has correctly returned to the poistion of the synced star.
- after syncing to a star, if I use plate solving to get more accurate positioning of the star, the initial plate solving result shows th ealignment is close, but then as it tries to move closer to the target star, it ends up moving further away.

I'll try and capture some of this behaviour in logs next clear night.

Any assistance in understanding and resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    24. 03. 1955
  • About me
    Getting back into astrophotography after a five year break. Much has changed software wise in that time. Looking at setting up my Ekos/KStars system under Astroberry.