Luis G. replied to the topic 'Profile changes to "Simulators"' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hello, I'm going through the same situation. After months of bad weather, finally, a few nights of good conditions arrive. The outcome?

Night 1: While using version 1.7.6 of the mobile app, it had updated automatically. I'm not sure if that's the reason, but the shots weren't updating for polar alignment. I decide to update to the new version through the app. The update stayed stuck at 90.1% indefinitely. By this point, it was already midnight, so I give up and turn off the device with the fear that the update might render the operating system unusable, as it has happened to many people before.

Night 2: I restart the update, and it stops at the same point again. After leaving it for almost an hour, I access it via VNC, but I don't see any update process. After restarting the OS and the app, it seems to be on the latest version now. It took two hours, a bit late, but I start... I find it impossible to align to the pole. It has never happened to me before. After another hour of repeating the process, I go back to VNC and see messages saying "could not estimate mount movement." I give up again.

Night 3: I try again. I manage to align with great difficulty. I notice that the error and correction results for alignment using plate solving are very inconsistent, It goes from 0.0.20 to 1.40.0 at times, and it even asks for absurd corrections on some occasions, so I leave it as it is. Once again, I have lost half of the night, so I just want to try the rest of the things. I assume it's due to the poor resulting alignment that even the guiding is unable to calibrate the tracking.
So I think, let's try in Andromeda with short subs and no guiding. I start the sequence, lock the tablet to turn off the screen, and when I check later, I encounter the same problem with the simulator profiles, it's impossible to do anything except disconnect the profile and start over again . I just simply laughed hard, turned off everything and went to bed frustrated after three nights of struggle and 0 photos.