I have everything runing in my raspberry pi 4 and starting from my SSD.

I just followed the steps given in the first page by Stefan R. the topic author.

Basically install everything with an SD card, and then run the commands to copy everything to your SSD, and ask the Pi to boot from the SSD.

By the way I also did a overclock and put a bigger fan and the results are incredible faster.

Good luck.


Excellent guide.

By now I can start my Raspberry pi 4 just by pluging directly an SSD by USB.

But at this point of the tutorial I can't get Firecapture to work.

The problem is that Stellarmate 1.7.6 uses a 64 bit OS for our Raspberries, and the java implemented in Firecapture is a 32bit one.

Even if you install latest version of java on your Raspberry (which I did) the program Firecapture starts but get a lot of errors and get frozen.

Honestly, having Firecapture working in the Pi with 64bits OS is just a question of having a proper version for our Raspberries with 64 bit OS.

I think this may help to someone and of coures, If someone found a way to make FC work properly on our Raspberries hope it can share the way here.

Best regards.




I have the same problem with Kstars 3.5.9.

My setup is a Raspberry PI 4, 4g, a Sony A7r, a qhy5-ii for guiding.

My problem rises up when I try Plate Solving.

Updated everything now, but now and then I get the same problem.

Kstars and Ekos crashes when I do try platesolving.

I will try with Sony specific driver instead of Indi_ghphoto_ccd...


I know this topic it is old, but I found myself in the same situation, with an Oly EM1.2 and an A7r cameras not willing to work with Kstars and Ekos.

So what I did, is try to find which version of libgphoto2 was on my Raspberry Pi 4, and it turned out to be last version available.

Then I tryed to see gphoto2 and it was missing on my system, so I used this command line to install it manuall:

sudo apt-get install gphoto2

And it worked out.

After doing this in a shell, I restarted Kstars, and Ekos, setted all the configuration of both Olympus OMD EM1.2 and and it worked like a charm. I tryed only to record the RAW files on camera, in the SD, and it worked.

On my A7r it worked but I couln't make the RAWs to be recorded on the SD. I don't know if it was a config problem or other cause.

Maybe someone can have some help with my findings.

Best regards.


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    29. 06. 1975
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    Photography is my hobby, and astrophot is very appealing...