Mike O'Rourke created a new topic ' QHY5P-II broken 1.9.3' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi. I have a setup with a QHY183C imaging camera and a QHY5P-IIM guide camera.

On a BeeLink (Celeron CPU) with Ubuntu 20.04, KStars 3.5.6/INDI 1.9.3, the QHY183C works fine, but the QHY5P-IIM doesn't. INDI will recognize and connect to the 5P, but any attempt to actually use it (set exposure time, set gain, take an exposure) meets with utter failure. If I run qhy_ccd_test on both cameras, it succeeds with an exit code of 0.

On an Astroberry with KStars 3.5.5/INDI 1.9.2, both cameras function perfectly.

Is there anything in the works to fix the 5P?

Thank you.


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    30. 05. 1959
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    Minister, former C programmer, current developer php/mysql