Paulo created a new topic ' Nikon D5500 long download times' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hello All,

I am imaging with a Nikon D5500 DSLR and have tried using the Nikon and the GPhoto driver and both have similar results.
For the image to be acquired using 1s exposure, from the time the exposure is done until I get Image received it takes 15secs. This is a huge time to get the image and for example if I want to use focusing or plate solving it takes 15secs every time for a picture to be received and then only plate solving can start whcih almost makes the stars move away by the time it found something.

Back to point, does anyone use the D5500 and what settings do you have and also what is the avg. download times for the pictures.
I am using RAW(NEF), save to SD Card, Local/Client(tried all settings) 

Any ideas, or also if this is just the normal time and I have to live with this it ?
