Hello folks,

First time posting in INDI forum, so apologize for any upcoming formatting problems or etc.

My current setup is AZGTi + Canon m50 + Astroberry running on RPi 4b. For some reason, the setup can never read images Cr3 files from the Canon camera (even with the newly updated gphoto) and I always receive an abortion in the status window.

For people with similar setups and have similar problems, please refer to  github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-server/i...suecomment-828265566  with command lines written by siberx (thank you very much), I have tried it out and it worked perfectly well. My RPi did take a very long time at the 2nd last step (took me 3-4 hours), but if you be patient enough it will compile eventually. 

However, for my particular setup, the eqmod on Kstar crashed after the adjustment, and it turned out that I haven't fully read the GitHub thread. The mistake comes with the cost of losing a whole clear night (one and only clear night these two weeks) so please check all the functions before you go to the field!!!!!!

For fully functional modding to be made, you also need to be recompiling the eqmod file on Astroberry, please follow the instruction on  github.com/rkaczorek/astroberry-server/i...suecomment-854245100 (again thanks to siberx)

So my eqmod and Canon camera are finally working together now, waiting for clear nights to test the plate solving capability and etc...


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    06. 04. 2003
  • About me
    amateur astrophotographer in Melbourne
    AZ-GTi + Astroberry user