Tom replied to the topic 'EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Okay so after using the ASCOM EQMod to upload the PEC curve I click Enable RA PPEC in my INDI control panel and it should work in tandem with guiding by the looks


Tom replied to the topic 'EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Wow thankyou, this clears it up alot, so I can run PEMPro from windows, record 5 cycles or so and send that to the mount then I can just guide like normal with PHD2/Ekos and it should all work? And I won't need to enable PPEC or anything in the INDI control panel.

Thanks for the help, I was having a hard time wrapping my head around this.


Tom replied to the topic 'EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks Hades that clears things up. So from what I was aware on ASCOM EQMOD you could have both guiding and PPEC running without interferring as long as your tracking was set to sidreal only and then enabling PPEC and guiding, but this isn't an option in INDI EQMOD? Also I am aware about making a smoothed curve however I have no clue about specifically how to upload the smoothed curve, like exactly where to put the file and what buttons to click. I have heard of GPG and PHD2 predictive algorithms but I was hoping to take advantage of my mounts ability to do PPEC on its own. So from what I am hearing there actually isn't an option in the INDI environment to have PPEC and guiding running harmoniously because my thoughts is PPEC got rid of all the massive RA swings from the imperfections in the worm and then the guiding would handle the small errors.


Tom replied to the topic 'EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Okay thank you, we'll see if he replies I guess


Tom created a new topic ' EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I recently purchased an EQ6-R and I want to take advantage of the PPEC of the mount, I am very new to the INDI/EKOS environment and I have ran into a few issues. Firstly I pointed my scope North and at the celestial equator (I live in the southern hemisphere so I assume North is the correct direction) and then restored calibration data and unticked the enable guiding output button in PHD2, I started "guiding" with hysterisis, then in the indi control panel I ticked RA PPEC Training and it said "Turning RA Training On" and the light in the panel turned yellow, and approximately 10 mins later turned off and said training complete I think, I then went to enable guiding in PHD2 and then click Turn RA PPEC On but it just said Turning RA PPEC On and then 5 seconds later spit two messages out simultaneously saying Turning RA PPEC off while guiding and Turning RA PPEC on after guiding. I am not sure why it has done this, the button still stayed yellow and kept looping through this cycle, If I disabled output it stopped displayed messages and stayed yellow and it seemed like it was working just by the fact the RA stayed relatively centred. So I am wondering have I done anything wrong here.

Also I would like to collect a few cycles with a PHD2 guidelog and run that through PECPrep and install that to my mount, I am wondering where is the PPEC file in Linux, I cannot find the file location at all.

Thanks in advance



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    04. 11. 2002
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    Raspberry Pi 4 2Gb - EQ6-R - TS 80mm f/7 doublet - Canon 500D - Orion StarShoot AutoGuider - Orion 50mm f/3.2